Spielberg's Ready Player One gets a full trailer

By Staff Writer 11 December 2017

If you’ve lived through the 80s playing video games at corner cafes, you should keep this flick on your to-watch list for 2018. FULL STORY >


6 of the hottest new trailers for the week: 8 December 2017

By Staff Writer 8 December 2017

Dinosaurs, Ninja's, LSD and MC Hammer all star in this week's hottest trailers. FULL STORY >


First images for X-Men: Dark Phoenix surface

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 December 2017

Entertainment weekly showcases the first images for X-Men: The Dark Phoenix. FULL STORY >


An inside look at Ster-Kinekor's new D-Box cinema experience

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 December 2017

Rolling out at select Ster-Kinekor cinemas across the country, the company's latest offering aims to take the movie watching experience a step further. Here's what it packs. FULL STORY >


Bryan Singer booted off Queen movie

By Staff Writer 5 December 2017

If you, like us, are waiting for an awesome Queen biopic, well, things are not exactly going to plan. FULL STORY >


Thanos lays waste in first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 November 2017

The Mad Titan wastes no time in the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, as the Marvel team of superheroes look outgunned. FULL STORY >


Marvel says their next 20 films will be 'completely different' from previous ones

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 November 2017

With rivals DC upping their cinematic universe plans, Marvel Studios reveals that its next 20 films will be far different from their predecessors. FULL STORY >


Justice League's opening weekend falls short of expectations

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 November 2017

Despite proving a far better outing than Dawn of Justice, it appears that Justice League's opening weekend fell quite short of the studio's expectations. FULL STORY >


Disney's A Wrinkle in Time gets fully fledged trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 November 2017

Boasting amazing talent in front of and behind the camera, Disney's A Wrinkle in Time receives first fully fledged trailer. FULL STORY >


Teaser trailer for The Incredibles 2 arrives

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 November 2017

More than a decade since making its debut, Pixar's superhero family is finally marking its return, with a teaser for The Incredibles 2 arriving over the weekend. FULL STORY >


The week's best new trailers - 17 November 2017

By Staff Writer 17 November 2017

The Rock fights more monsters, Hugh Jackman's circus, and more of the week's must-see trailers. FULL STORY >


Justice League

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 November 2017

A significant change in tone from Dawn of Justice, DC's new superhero team shows that they can do just as good a job as Marvel can. FULL STORY >


Mario set for an animation movie

By Staff Writer 15 November 2017

We love him on console, but Mario’s previous outing to the big screen was a miserable failure. That said, can animation perhaps do our Italian plumber justice? FULL STORY >


New Star Wars Trilogy announced

By Staff Writer 10 November 2017

Say what you like about Disney, but when they took over Lucasfilm, things started happening. The latest will be stunning news for fans of the galaxy far, far away. FULL STORY >


Luke Skywalker boards the Millennium Falcon in new Last Jedi trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 November 2017

Short and sweet, a new trailer for The Last Jedi has landed online, as Luke Skywalker features more prominently. FULL STORY >

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