Streaming service DEOD launches in South Africa

By Staff Writer 5 May 2017

South Africans seem spoiled for choice these days when it comes to streaming services, with yet another player entering the market yesterday. FULL STORY >


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 May 2017

Does lightning strike twice? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 certainly shows flashes of the elements we loved about the predecessor, but ultimately fails to live up to its lofty standard. FULL STORY >


Trailers you may have missed this weekend - 2 May 2017

By Staff Writer 2 May 2017

Decided to ditch YouTube this long weekend? Here's some of the new trailers you may have missed. FULL STORY >


Team America alright for fighting in Kingsman: The Golden Circle trailer

By Staff Writer 25 April 2017

One of the movies that caught us pleasantly off guard was 2014’s Kingsman: The Secret Service. Now, after quite a wait, the first trailer has dropped for the new Kingsman: The Golden Circle. FULL STORY >


Technicolor's George Kilpatrick: How Major Film and TV Productions are Streamlined with Cloud Computing

By Press Release 24 April 2017

While cloud computing is well established in many industries, its potential in media and entertainment is just beginning to be fulfilled. FULL STORY >


Deadpool 2 release date announced

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 April 2017

The merc with the mouth will be returning to the big screen in June next year. FULL STORY >


Trailers you might have missed - 21 April 2017

By Staff Writer 21 April 2017

Luckily a short week, have a look at the following trailers you might have missed before prepping for the weekend. FULL STORY >


Soundtrack for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 released

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 April 2017

The set list for the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 has arrived. FULL STORY >


First trailer for American Assassin hits target

By Staff Writer 19 April 2017

There are certain trailers that provide very little information, and then there’s ones like the first for American Assassin, which is close to a short movie in itself. FULL STORY >


Trailers you may have missed this week - 13 April

By Staff Writer 13 April 2017

With Zuma protests and an impending Easter weekend taking up much of the focus, we've rounded up some trailers you might have missed this week. Enjoy. FULL STORY >


The Mummy with Tom Cruise receives second trailer

By Staff Writer 3 April 2017

Things are looking pretty good for The Mummy reboot, with trailer number two released over the weekend. Where the previous one focused on a rather intense in-flight situation, this new trailer takes us all over the show and even gives the... FULL STORY >


Trailers you may have missed - 31 March 2017

By Staff Writer 31 March 2017

It has been a fairly hectic week, so some trailers may have slipped by. Luckily we've compiled them all together for your viewing pleasure. FULL STORY >


Joss Whedon set to direct Batgirl

By Staff Writer 31 March 2017

Et tu Joss Whedon? This might just be the words from Marvel Studios as Joss Whedon is crossing the comic book divide over to DC Comics. After directing both Marvel’s The Avengers movies, Whedon is slated to helm Batgirl, according to Variety FULL STORY >


Ghost in the Shell

By Spling 30 March 2017

We get a chance to see Major come alive, even if her shoes seem too big for her. FULL STORY >


First trailer for IT horror floats

By Staff Writer 30 March 2017

“You’ll float too!” Uhm, no thanks, we’ll rather stay high and dry and as far away from the sewers as possible. FULL STORY >

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