Canon Series: The New Gear – Grant Atkinson

By Staff Writer 30 September 2015

Grant Atkinson is not only one of the leading wildlife photographers in the country, but also an authority when it comes to new gear, with many reviews appearing on his site. TechSmart asked him about the best stuff that he recently played around... FULL STORY >


F5 Networks removes VM storage bottlenecks and reduces waste with Tintri VMstore

By Staff Writer 30 September 2015

Tintri, a leading producer of smart storage for virtualisation and cloud environments, and networking partner of South Africa's leading value-added distributor, Networks Unlimited has been chosen to eliminate... FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The Danger Side - Mark Mansfield

By Staff Writer 30 September 2015

As can be expected, things can go wrong while shooting airplanes in mid-air. Aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield tells us about a few of his harrowing situations, both in the air and on the ground. FULL STORY >


Tesla Model X SUV officially sees light of day, gets $132K price tag

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 September 2015

After years of teasing and waiting, Elon Musk and Tesla Motors finally unveil their all-electric crossover SUV, the Model X, with a rather large price tag. FULL STORY >


LG re-enters realm of ultrabooks with Windows 10-sporting gram notebooks

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 September 2015

Destined for arrival in the States within the next few weeks, LG releases its gram ultrabook, featuring Windows 10 and available in 13" and 14" variants. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My Favourite Shot – Grant Atkinson

By Staff Writer 28 September 2015

As not only a full-time guide and photo trip leader, but also one of the leading wildlife photographers in the country, Grant Atkinson has captured thousands of images. His favourite? Well, we’ll let him tell the story. FULL STORY >


PES 2016

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 September 2015

While Konami has certainly closed the gap on EA Sports with the release of PES 2016, its lack of licensing still holds it back from being the best football game out this year. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Mark Mansfield’s Top Tip

By Staff Writer 23 September 2015

Aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield has been in the game for a number of years, with the flight mileage to prove it. If you are looking to make the break into the world of professional photography you would do well to heed Mansfield’s top tip. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The Favourite Lens in my Bag – Grant Atkinson

By Staff Writer 22 September 2015

Grant Atkinson is well-known as one of the best wildlife photographers in the country. As part of the Canon Series, he tells us more about the favourite lens in his bag. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My Favourite Shot - Mark Mansfield

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

If you ever thought photography was easy, just have a look what went into an incredible photo shoot done by aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield. The subject? Well, let's just say that she can be described as big boned, with extra space needed... FULL STORY >


Puma and Konami partner to release Snake’s shoes

By Ryan Noik 21 September 2015

In partnership with Konami, has released the first-ever footwear created purely from a console game, with its new sneaking boot remaining true to the dimensions of its digital version. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - The Last Witch Hunter

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

The latest trailer for Vin Diesel’s The Last Witch Hunter certainly looks the best yet. FULL STORY >


We need to up our game in the fight against cybercrime, and quickly

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

Governments will have to invest in the fight against cybercrime if we are to mitigate the increasing risks brought on by the Internet of Things (IoT) FULL STORY >


How to keep your contact centre protected in a time of cost-cutting

By Staff Writer 18 September 2015

With falling commodity prices and a declining currency, South Africa’s economy is under greater strain than ever before FULL STORY >


EA Sports taps star power for latest FIFA 16 commercial

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015

With its official release now a week away, EA Sports highlights all its star footballers in the latest trailer for FIFA 16. FULL STORY >

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