Gaming News Roundup - The Remastered and Redefined Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 April 2014

In this week's roundup - the new Evil Within trailer gives us sleepless nights, and we detail the remastered version of The Last of Us coming to PS4. FULL STORY >


The Heartbleed bug - is your data safe?

By Johan Keyter 11 April 2014

Turmoil broke out earlier this week with the discovery of the so-called Heartbleed bug, an OpenSSL vulnerability affecting massive portions of the web. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab statistics: attacks involving financial malware rise to 28 million in 2013

By Staff Writer 10 April 2014

According to the study Financial cyber threats in 2013 ’ conducted by Kaspersky Lab, cybercriminals are increasingly trying to gain access to the online accounts of users. Last year, the number of cyber... FULL STORY >


Avoiding common failure points of Service Management projects

By Staff Writer 8 April 2014

Many organisations embark on Service Management improvement programs, particularly with regard to IT Service Management (ITSM), only for the projects to fail to deliver the anticipated benefits. FULL STORY >


Cloud in SA: A cautious approach?

By Staff Writer 8 April 2014

Despite questions around legacy systems and security, the march towards the cloud continues. Iwan Pienaar looks at what is influencing local companies’ viewpoints. FULL STORY >


Greening the South African Data Centre

By Staff Writer 8 April 2014

South African data centres are starting to embrace green technologies in an effort to boost operational efficiencies. Lance Harris looks into the new trends. FULL STORY >


Your Horoscope for April 2014

By Staff Writer 3 April 2014

With eight planets orbiting the Sun this month, TechSmart presents your horoscope for April 2014. FULL STORY >


Case Logic SLR Camera/Laptop Backpack

By Mike Joubert 3 April 2014

For many photographers, having both a notebook and a camera present is of primary importance. Case Logic solves the travelling hassles usually associated with this. FULL STORY >


Google developing smart contact lenses for diabetics

By Ryan Noik 31 March 2014

Wearable technology may be in vogue at the moment, and now Google has announced a new project which takes the technology to another level - smart contact lenses. FULL STORY >


Print my house! Dutch designers’ radical plan to change architecture

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 31 March 2014

Amsterdam-based designers, DUS Architects is aiming to take 3D printed technology to new levels with plans to create the world's first 3D printed house. FULL STORY >


The neophyte’s guide to preparing for a powercut

By Ryan Noik 31 March 2014

It’s every geek, no, every modern day native’s worst nightmare – you wake up or get home from work to discover you are in the midst of a load shedding blackout, or power cut, with end time unknown. Here are some of our top measures you... FULL STORY >


Top 5 Toughest Video Game Bosses

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 March 2014

This is our homage to the video game bosses so painfully difficult to beat, we assumed the fetal position while crying ourselves to sleep. FULL STORY >


3D Secure Online Shopping launched across all e-commerce platforms in South Africa

By Staff Writer 24 March 2014

3D Secure, also known as Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode or Amex Safekey, is an authentication service that allows only the cardholder to use the card when shopping online. With 3D Secure, the online... FULL STORY >


Biometric protection… the future of personal identification and security

By Staff Writer 24 March 2014

Biometric protection… the future of personal identification and security. FULL STORY >


Avoiding common failure points of Service Management

By Staff Writer 24 March 2014

Opinion Piece: Avoiding common failure points of Service Management projects and ensuring success with three key aspects. FULL STORY >

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