Quick review - Asus ROG Orion gaming headphones
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 November 2013A quality headset immerses gamers in their virtual, onscreen worlds much better than the run-of-the-mill pair of headphones. We find out if Asus' ROG Orion fits the bill. FULL STORY >

Batman Arkham Origins
By Hanleigh Daniels 11 November 2013We don the famous black suit and smash into the latest Arkham title to find out if Origins packs a punch or if it is merely riding the coattails of its predecessors. FULL STORY >

Nokia Lumia 1020 launched in South Africa
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 November 2013Nokia finally makes the 41 MP boasting Lumia 1020 available to local buyers. FULL STORY >

Gadgets to fire up your life
By Ryan Noik 7 November 2013Whether your firelighting skills range from forging an occasional braai all the way up to being able show Bear Grylls a trick or two, technology is at hand to help you make a fire in a jiffy. FULL STORY >

Glassed Geek
By Staff Writer 7 November 2013Taking our cue from a slew of bespeckled celebrities, here's some examples of how you can not only earn some much needed style points, but also increase your perceived level of intelligence. FULL STORY >

Mozilla releases Firefox 25
By Hanleigh Daniels 31 October 2013Mozilla releases the latest edition (25) of its popular Firefox web browser as well as Firefox for Android. FULL STORY >

Cybersecurity: The Pivotal Role of Communications Networks
By Staff Writer 29 October 2013In today’s world, we have so many device options – smartphones, tablets and laptops – to stay connected to either the office or manage our personal lives. For consumers, many use their mobile devices to manage everything from... FULL STORY >

Smartphone shipments surpass quarter billion mark in Q3 2013
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 October 2013Strategy Analytics reveals that global smartphone shipments have reached the quarter billion market mark over the course of Q3 2013. FULL STORY >

TechSmart SME advertisers - October 2013
By Staff Writer 22 October 2013SME advertisers are the backbone of our magazine. For great service and decent prices, please support the following advertisers during October 2013. FULL STORY >

Gartner - Global device shipment to grow by 4.5 percent during 2013
By Hanleigh Daniels 21 October 2013Gartner asserts that global PC, tablet and mobile phone shipments will increase by 4.5% in 2013 with lower-priced devices driving growth. FULL STORY >

Gaming News Round-up - The Pass on the Right Edition
By Ryan Noik 11 October 2013In this week’s Gaming News Round-up: Thief sneaks onto centre stage, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag gets a season pass and an old gem makes a comeback. FULL STORY >

Gartner - Worldwide PC shipments down 8.6 percent in Q3 2013
By Hanleigh Daniels 10 October 2013The global PC shipments declined for the sixth consecutive quarter during Q3 2013. FULL STORY >

Top 5 South African Craft Beers
By Staff Writer 7 October 2013Choosing five favourite beers from the ever-expanding menu available in South Africa is a tough challenge. Of course, that being said, everyone has their go-to beers – here are the top choices for five pleasing pints around the country. FULL STORY >

Cyberattackers access 2.9 million Adobe users’ details
By Ryan Noik 7 October 2013Adobe has fallen foul of a cyberattack – and the disturbing news is that some 2.9 million Adobe customers’ accounts have been compromised. FULL STORY >

Car Hacking: Your future car is next
By Staff Writer 3 October 2013Hacking vehicles is now no longer relegated to the fictional domain of movies and TV series. FULL STORY >
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