Internet Solutions launches cloud desktop solution

By Staff Writer 10 October 2011

Internet Solutions today announced the launch of a virtual desktop infrastructure solution that delivers Microsoft Windows desktops on a Desktop-as-a-Service basis. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky launches new Endpoint Protection for businesses

By Ryan Noik 7 October 2011

Kaspersky Lab has launched its new Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows, which is aimed at protecting businesses from cyber threats. FULL STORY >


Dimension Data believes in integrated security

By Staff Writer 6 October 2011

According to Dimension Data, the solution is to integrate security systems so that they work harmoniously to provide organisations with both internal security for IT environments. FULL STORY >


What are the top security risks to your enterprise security

By Staff Writer 5 October 2011

Web applications can be a significant liability to enterprise security. FULL STORY >


Nokia working on new OS for low end devices

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 October 2011

Finnish phone giant Nokia is reportedly working on a new Linux-based OS for its low-end smartphones. FULL STORY >


LED Lenser H7

By Ryan Noik 4 October 2011

We put the LED Lenser H7 through its paces to discover if it has what it takes to impress us as much as its handheld brother, the P14. FULL STORY >


Rhapsody to acquire Napster from Best Buy

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 October 2011

Rhapsody, a premium on-demand music service in the US, will be acquiring Napster's subscriber base. FULL STORY >


New report details most highly anticipated games

By Ryan Noik 3 October 2011

Global information and measurement company Nielsen has released its Top 20 Games to Watch report that tracks what gamers are most excited about this holiday season. FULL STORY >


Kelihos botnet takes beating from Kaspersky, Microsoft

By Staff Writer 3 October 2011

Kaspersky Lab, Microsoft and Kyrus Tech have successfully teamed up to take out the Kelihos botnet. FULL STORY >


Net Applications releases browser trend report for September

By Hanleigh Daniels 3 October 2011

Market research firm Net Applications releases its latest browser trend report for the month of September. FULL STORY >


Mozilla releases Firefox 7

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 September 2011

Mozilla releases of the latest version of its desktop web browser, Firefox 7, which utilises memory much better and adds new tools for developers. FULL STORY >


Nielsen survey has Android making US smartphone OS share gains

By Hanleigh Daniels 27 September 2011

A recent Nielsen survey indicates that the US mobile operating system share of Android has grown. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky rAges against cybercrime

By Ryan Noik 27 September 2011

Kaspersky Lab has announced that it will be on hand to provide insight on crucial security to online gaming fans at the upcoming rAge expo. FULL STORY >


MTN launches its enterprise applications

By Ryan Noik 23 September 2011

MTN today announced the launch of twenty enterprise specific applications for mobile devices, aimed at enabling businesses to take advantage of smartphones to increase their efficiency. FULL STORY >


Cisco launches its enterprise focused tablet in SA

By Ryan Noik 22 September 2011

Global networking leader Cisco has launched its enterprise focused tablet, the Cius, locally. FULL STORY >

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