Real-time analytics of daily sales and stock data is key to effective resource allocation and deviation to remedy in retail

By Industry Contributor 26 October 2020

By Andrew Dawson, Managing Director at Cognizance FULL STORY >


JSE Interview: Technology being used to grow an investment culture

By Ryan Noik 13 September 2018

Can technology, and renewed interest in emerging trends like cryptocurrency, counter an investment culture? Mpho Ledwaba, head of marketing at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) believes so. FULL STORY >


Nintendo shares fall as company tells investors that it does not make Pokémon Go

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 26 July 2016

Following a sharp rise since the Pokémon Go game was launched, Nintendo's shares have taken an equally quick fall, as investors are notified that Nintendo only owns 32% of the developer's company. FULL STORY >


Alphabet usurp Apple as most valuable company in the world

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 2 February 2016

Alphabet (Google's parent company) recently posted its quarterly earnings, which drove its stock up higher than Apple, making it the most valuable company in the world. FULL STORY >



By Staff Writer 17 September 2015

As an American IPA, the Californicator lives up to its taste profile and is a must for hop-heads. Having said that, the Californicator does not leave a lingering bitterness, so it’s easy to have a few around the fire. FULL STORY >


Ensuring successful governance for agile projects

By Staff Writer 3 September 2015

We often hear horror stories about business projects ending heavily over budget, with the flexible nature of agile being used to justify the lack of governance. FULL STORY >


Adobe Creative Cloud 2015 with CreativeSync launched by Distributor Dax Data

By Staff Writer 18 June 2015

Creative Cloud customers are as diverse as the work they produce, but their desire to work without constraint, whenever and wherever an idea strikes them, is universally shared. FULL STORY >

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