Netflix said to be working on weekly news show

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 March 2018

The streaming platform is reportedly expanding its content to include a weekly news show. FULL STORY >


Apple releases trailer for Planet of the Apps TV show

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 February 2017

A groundbreaking series about apps and its creators, according to Apple, Planet of the Apps will see people vying for a $10 million share in funding and mentoring. FULL STORY >


The most pirated movies and TV shows in 2016

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 January 2017

According to Torrent Freak, these are the top ten movies and TV shows that people illegally downloaded during 2016. FULL STORY >


YouTube Red reportedly has plans to stream movies and TV shows via the service

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 December 2015

According to reports, YouTube is in talks to get content to stream via its new subscription service, YouTube Red. FULL STORY >


Next season of Top Gear sans Jeremy Clarkson will air on 8 May 2016

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 November 2015

New host of Top Gear, Chris Evans, says the newest season will air on 8 May 2016, with the series' first trip heading to the US. FULL STORY >

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