Tickets for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness now on sale

By Staff Writer 7 April 2022

Good news for fans of the good Doctor, seeing that starting today, fans can purchase movie tickets to Marvel Studios’ latest blockbuster, including for shows on Thursday 5 May at 7pm, a full day before the film’s release. FULL STORY >


FlySafair passengers can now receive their boarding passes via WhatsApp

By Ryan Noik 11 March 2019

Another option as to how passengers can send and store their boarding passes has been added to the list by FlySaFair. FULL STORY >


Avengers: Infinity War surpasses $1 billion in worldwide sales

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 May 2018

The massive Marvel movie is paying off, with the film already amassing more than $1 billion worldwide in ticket sales. FULL STORY >


Tickets for rAge Expo 2018 go on sale 1 May

By Press Release 26 April 2018

Back for its 16th year, tickets for rAge Expo 2018 go on sale on 1 May, with the event happening 5 to 7 October. FULL STORY >


Tickets on sale for the VS Gaming FIFA eWorld Cup Qualifier Tournament

By Press Release 12 April 2018

Following the announcement that VS Gaming has acquired the rights to host a FIFA eWorld Cup Qualifier in 2018, the tickets for the tournament will officially be on sale through Computicket as of 12 April 2018. FULL STORY >


Disney says Black Panther has passed $1 Billion in worldwide sales

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 March 2018

The breakthrough Marvel film has become a huge success, with Disney announcing that it has passed the $1 billion mark for sales worldwide. FULL STORY >


Tickets for Comic Con Africa 2018 now on sale

By Staff Writer 9 March 2018

Starting at R120 per person during phase one, tickets are now available for Comic Con Africa 2018. FULL STORY >


New Rogue One trailer debuts as pre-order for local tickets goes live today

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 November 2016

The Star Wars universe's first prequel spin-off receives new trailer, as South African fans can already pre-order their tickets for Rogue One's 15 December release. FULL STORY >

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