Cisco prepares for hybrid future of work with new Webex releases

By Ryan Noik 9 December 2020

It could not possibly have been a more relevant year to focus on collaboration, the future of work, and the announcement of new tools for remote working. This week, Cisco’s WebexOne event is doing just that. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Innovation Hub is seeking gamer startups

By Staff Writer 16 April 2020

Attention gaming startups - Kaspersky intends to develop services designed to provide security for game developers and gamers. FULL STORY >


Remote Working series: How the Gauteng government is unlocking the benefits of working remotely

By Staff Writer 31 March 2020

The necessary to work remotely, and the rapid rise and spread of the coronavirus, Covid-19, has not only changed the way people in South Africa – and globally – live and work, it has changed how... FULL STORY >


The Ethics of Code: developing AI for business with five core principles

By Press Release 24 July 2017

Building a chatbot is the easy part, says Kriti Sharma, VP of Bots and AI at Sage. In order to ensure that these products are safe and ethical, Sharma details five principles called the “Ethics of Code.” FULL STORY >


Innovation Systems – Making Sense of the Noise

By Press Release 20 July 2017

Technology is recognised as an enabler of innovation and growth. Having a software tool, specifically the right software tool, can greatly accelerate your innovation results by creating an easily accessible and self-sustaining platform for... FULL STORY >


Gmail on Android adds filter for phishing emails

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 May 2017

A new feature from Google could help you from being scammed, but only if you own an Android device… for now. FULL STORY >


Twitter warns developers making surveillance tools

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 November 2016

Hinging heavily on public APIs, Twitter is making a concerted effort to keep its users’ data safe from developers creating surveillance tools. FULL STORY >


How CIOs should understand digital dislocation and why the cloud is the answer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2016

Following their collaborative report on digital dislocation with Cisco, we spoke to BT's MD for sub-Saharan Africa, Oliver Fortuin, on why CIOs should be turning to the cloud to solve this growing issue. FULL STORY >


Instagram introduces new business tools

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 June 2016

Including new business profiles, analytics and the ability to turn posts into ads, Instagram introduces an array of business tools. FULL STORY >


Google rolls out beta version of its Voice Access tool

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 April 2016

Google rolled out a number of accessibility enhancements for Android devices recently, chief among them is the new Voice Access hands-free tool. FULL STORY >


AAXA P3X Pico Projector

By Ryan Noik 27 March 2015

There was a time, not too long ago, when projectors were routinely large, loud cumbersome devices. A clear indication of how far tech has come is the P3X Pico Projector, which is the exact opposite. FULL STORY >


Intel Developer Zone officially launches in South Africa

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 March 2015

Good news for software developers as Intel's Developer Zone is now fully available in South Africa, bringing with it a range of tools and solutions to get projects off the ground. FULL STORY >


Icodis CB-100 projector

By Staff Writer 5 March 2015

If you think that screen projectors have to be big, bulky, or limited to your lounge, you haven’t met the Icodis CB-100. FULL STORY >


Scribble sensor pens capture 16 million colours

By Ryan Noik 17 June 2014

The latest geek gadget to take firm aim at drawing enthusiasts is the Scribble Pen, which can accurately capture up to 16 million colours from the world around its user. FULL STORY >


The right (Multi)Tool for the job

By Ryan Noik 14 February 2014

Some of the most useful gadgets can be imminently useful in a variety of scenarios, but for the ultimate convenience, a multi-tool is a must have. Question is, which one should you get? FULL STORY >

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