Imation Atom Flash Drive 8 GB

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 June 2010

Imation's 8 GB Atom Flash Drive surprises with the amount of data that can be packed into such a tiny package. FULL STORY >


Facebook web sharing introduced

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 April 2010

Facebook has announced a new Open Graph system that allows for a more social web experience. FULL STORY >


Kamal Vasram on Intel Core Processors

By Mike Joubert 9 April 2010

Intels new range of processors has hit the market. We talk to Kamal Vasram, channel field sales engineer at Intel South Africa, to get some clarity on what the new Core i range might mean for you. FULL STORY >


Guitar Hero Van Halen

By Brigitte 23 March 2010

The new Guitar Hero: Van Halen feels a little half-baked. It includes all the famous Van Halen tracks, but the game reverts back to GH1 type features, making it feel dated. FULL STORY >


Jaco van Loggerenberg on the Joule

By Mike Joubert 4 March 2010

Conceived by Cape Townbased Optimal Energy and originally designed by South Africanborn Keith Helfet, South Africas very own allelectric car, Joule, will be proudly showcased at the Geneva Motor Show in Switzerland this month. FULL STORY >


New Google Chrome beta version

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 March 2010

Google's attitude towards security has intensified in the aftermath of the recent hacking attacks, with the new Chrome browser beta benefiting. FULL STORY >


Avatar Forum

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 January 2010

Pandora, from the film Avatar, is not a real planet. A simple concept for most of us to grasp, but apparently some people are struggling to cope with this harsh reality. One of the more interesting threads on the Avatar Forums offers those in despair some tips on coping. FULL STORY >


Free anti-virus solutions

By Raymond Robinson 12 January 2010

A PC that has been infected with a virus or malware is frustrating and time consuming to fix, but it need not cost you anything. FULL STORY >



By Mike Joubert 7 December 2009

This ultraportable from Sony looks stylish and comes with both impressive specs and a hefty pricetag. FULL STORY >


Left 4 Dead 2

By Mike Joubert 2 December 2009

The zombie slaughter continues as four new characters are Left 4 Dead in America\'s Deep South. With new weapons and special infected zombies, the game takes butchering the undead to a whole new level. FULL STORY >


Lexmark Prevail Pro705

By Hanleigh Daniels 27 November 2009

The Prevail Pro705 is Lexmark\'s latest mid-range business all-in-one printer, scanner, fax and copier that offers above average scanning resolution and good quality prints. FULL STORY >


Audio Video Appliance Expo opens today

By Mike Joubert 29 October 2009

Held at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, AVA showcases the latest in the world of consumer electronics. FULL STORY >


Lenovo IdeaPad S10e Netbook

By Mike Joubert 18 August 2009

The S10e is Lenovo\'s long awaited foray into the netbook market. FULL STORY >


Nokia wants you to develop SA content

By Mike Joubert 17 July 2009

The Calling All Innovators competition is open to anyone, including mobile and web application developers worldwide FULL STORY >


Liezel van der Westhuizen

By Mike Joubert 8 June 2009

The only reason we watched Idols was for Liezel van der Westhuizen. She tells us more about her involvement with the BlackBerry Urban Tours, her love of gaming and life after Idols. FULL STORY >

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