Why sixteen is the crucial age to encourage young women to pursue STEM
By Industry Contributor 7 October 2021Juan Visser, Regional Director, Sub-Saharan Africa unpacks Cambridge data that addresses how to encourage girls' interest in STEM. FULL STORY >

10-year old Nigerian Wins Ericsson’s Girls Who Innovate Competition
By Press Release 29 August 2018Ericsson announces 10 year old Nigerian as the winner of its global competition Girls Who Innovate in the 9-12-year-old category. FULL STORY >

Johannesburg Girls are the stars of new science learning app
By Press Release 24 November 2017In line with movements such as #BlackGirlMagic, the I Am Science initiative aims to work against race and gender biases that young girls and women face daily. FULL STORY >

Q&A: Charmaine van Niekerk, #AcerForGaming
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 12 June 2017We chat to Acer South Africa's product manager, Charmaine van Niekerk, about the #AcerForGaming initiative and how they aim to get more girls involved in the local gaming community. FULL STORY >

Black Canary, Poison Ivy, Cheetah and Catwoman added to Injustice 2
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 February 2017Four more of DC's femme fatales will be playable characters on Injustice 2. FULL STORY >

Why tech needs a female perspective in South Africa
By Staff Writer 24 April 2015By participating in International Girls in ICT Day, Cisco South Africa is inspiring young women to create technologies that can change the world. FULL STORY >

EA’s Humble Bundle forgoes modesty
By Ryan Noik 15 April 2015EA’s latest Humble Bundle manages to excel at combining great bargains and great games with a worthwhile cause or three. FULL STORY >

Gamer Girls to wow at A MAZE.
By Staff Writer 9 September 2014Taking place in Braamfontein from 10 to 13 September, the 2014 instalment of A MAZE. is poised be a major highlight of the Fak’ugesi: Digital Africa Festival. This year’s event will also showcase the increasingly important role of women game creators, digital... FULL STORY >

Help needed to teach underpriveleged girls coding
By Ryan Noik 12 September 2013ThoughtWorks Africa has appealed for assistance in helping more girls from underprivileged backgrounds develop an interest in IT. FULL STORY >

Quick review - Monster Diamond Tears Edge headset
By Hanleigh Daniels 10 May 2013Monster hones into the stylish taste of audiophiles of the fairer sex with their fashionable Diamond Tears Edge premium headset. FULL STORY >
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