Canon Series: My Favourite Lens – Simon McDonnell
By Staff Writer 23 November 2015After seeing his stirring presentation at the recent Canon Roadshow, we just had to get Simon McDonnell in for our Canon Series. For his first question we asked him to pick his favourite lens to shoot with. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The Favourite Lens in my Bag - Brendon Jennings
By Staff Writer 3 November 2015As a wildlife and nature photographer, Brendon Jennings has spent ours in the bush behind a camera since he is also guide in a game reserve. While other pros in our Canon series had some difficulties to pick a lens, Jennings didn’t... FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The Favourite Lens in my Bag – Mark Mansfield
By Staff Writer 23 October 2015In his final appearance in our Canon Series, aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield rumbles through his camera bag to find his favourite lens. Here he explains the reasoning behind his pick(s). FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag – Simon du Plessis
By Thomas McKinnon 22 October 2015Many of the pros featured in our Canon Series find it quite hard to pick their favourite lens. Not so for sport, bird and nature photographer, Simon du Plessis who did not hesitate to select his best. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The New Gear – Andy Lund
By Staff Writer 22 October 2015With a strong passion for portraiture, photojournalism, interiors and food photography, Andy Lund has been published in House and Leisure, Oprah, Cosmopolitan and Blunt, as well as on the cover of various albums and books. We asked him if he has recently... FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag - Andy Lund
By Staff Writer 16 October 2015Andy Lund is the next pro photographer featuring in our Canon Series. First question – if he had to pick only one, what is his favourite lens to shoot with and why? FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The Favourite Lens in my Bag – Grant Atkinson
By Staff Writer 22 September 2015Grant Atkinson is well-known as one of the best wildlife photographers in the country. As part of the Canon Series, he tells us more about the favourite lens in his bag. FULL STORY >

Canon launches high performance field broadcast lenses
By Ryan Noik 11 September 2015Canon has introduced two new 2/3” 4K field lenses - the UJ86x9.3B and UJ90x9B. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The Favourite Lens in my Bag: Manus van Dyk
By Staff Writer 7 September 2015Professional wildlife photographer, Manus van Dyk is recognised as an Elite Canon Photographer and Trainer and runs his own photography school. First up we asked him about the favourite lens in his bag. FULL STORY >

Canon introduces new 35mm lens
By Ryan Noik 4 September 2015Canon has now announced its EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM lens, which brings some interesting new optical technology. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag - Chris Fallows
By Staff Writer 28 August 2015With only a split second to get the perfect shot, wildlife photographer Chris Fallows is very dependent on the right gear for his shark capturing. We asked him about his favourite lens to shoot with. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: My Favourite Lens in the Bag - Clinton Lubbe
By Mike Joubert 3 August 2015In our ongoing Canon Series, TechSmart tracked down commercial photographer and producer of the recent Somer Son movie, Clinton Lubbe. We tasked him with picking his favourite lens to shoot with. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag - Lee Slabber
By Staff Writer 28 July 2015We asked wildlife and landscape photographer, Lee Slabber, to pick the favourite lens in his bag. FULL STORY >

Xbox at E3 2015 - Biggest wave of games to date
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 16 June 2015Billed as the biggest batch of games that Microsoft has unveiled at E3 to date, this year the company did not disappoint with plenty of content to look forward to in coming months. FULL STORY >

Canon Series: Just Pick One! The favourite lens in my bag
By Staff Writer 9 June 2015In an ongoing series, we talked to professional photographers to discuss the favourite lense in their bag. Discussing his all-time best is Durban-based sports and action photographer, Anesh Debiky. FULL STORY >
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