Gods of Egypt trailer debuts filled with CGI insanity

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2015

If Exodus: Gods and Kings, and Clash of the Titans had a baby, it would indeed be Gods of Egypt. The first trailer for this CGI-laden film has just landed online. FULL STORY >


5 Recruitment Myths: Your talent acquisition strategy could be harmed

By Staff Writer 28 August 2015

Most companies understand that they will not succeed unless they recruit and retain the best possible talent. FULL STORY >


Busting the cloud security myth

By Staff Writer 20 August 2015

Data in the cloud is less secure than that in your own offices, right? Wrong – very wrong. FULL STORY >


The top 5 myths of DDoS protection

By Staff Writer 27 February 2015

Buying in to outdated beliefs and pure myth around DDoS protection is a gamble, says Arbor Networks. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights - The Fantastic Teaser Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 January 2015

Teasers a plenty in this week's Geek News, as Fantastic Four gets a trailer, Daft Punk's early days receives biopic and MythBusters tackle FPS gaming icon Doom. FULL STORY >


Mythbusters to take on gaming science

By Johan Keyter 1 September 2010

The Discovery Channel's popular series, Mythbusters, is taking aim at the world of gaming for some of their next projects. FULL STORY >

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