How the Acer Synergy programme helps its partners succeed

By Press Release 19 April 2021

Acer South Africa has announced the relaunch of its Synergy partner rewards programme as the tech company revised the programme based on insights into how to provide even more support to resellers. FULL STORY >


2021 Channel Predictions: Leading businesses beyond recovery with 5G, the Edge and Hybrid Cloud

By Industry Contributor 12 January 2021

Doug Woolley, Managing Director at Dell Technologies South Africa explains why technology is the key to economic recovery - and the role that channel partners will play. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Partnerships in times of crisis

By Industry Contributor 27 May 2020

Amrote Abdella, Regional Director, Microsoft 4Afrika Initiative explains why partnerships are more important than ever now. FULL STORY >


Microsoft and SAP partnership to help Standard Bank Embrace digital era

By Ryan Noik 3 March 2020

Microsoft, SAP and Standard Bank today explained how embracing collaboration is not just good for business but for customers and consumers as well. FULL STORY >


Vodacom and Microsoft partner up to simplify Xbox Store purchases

By Ryan Noik 2 December 2019

Today, Vodacom and Microsoft announced a new partnership that should leave a smile on gamers’ and SMEs faces - and a chance to win an Xbox One X console. FULL STORY >


Microsoft adds a few new luminaries to the sky

By Ryan Noik 27 September 2019

At its glittering 2019 Partner of the Year Awards held this week in Houghton, Microsoft honored its partners with awards, thanks, praise - and for the winners, a star named after their company by NASA itself. FULL STORY >


Nedbank and Microsoft announce partnership

By Staff Writer 2 September 2019

Microsoft and Nedbank have announced that the financial services provider has partnered with the tech giant to migrate components of its IT infrastructure to the cloud, making Nedbank the first bank in the country to run operations of this scale in the... FULL STORY >


Industry advice - Ten ways female co-owners can ensure they are treated fairly

By Industry Contributor 12 August 2019

In the wake of Women's Day Rene Botha, Stellenbosch Area Manager for Business Partners Limited has advised ten ways that female co-owners can ensure treated fairly within their own companies. FULL STORY >


Huawei and MTN strengthen strategic partnership to expand digital services

By Press Release 4 March 2019

Huawei and MTN have signed a business innovation MOU, jointly committing to bringing cutting edge digital services to African business and consumers FULL STORY >


Dell EMC unveils 2019 Partner Program

By Ryan Noik 4 March 2019

Dell EMC has announced key updates to make Partner Program even more Simple. Predictable. and Profitable. to drive partner growth in 2019. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Africa Partner Summit: Transform the world by transforming people

By Press Release 27 July 2018

Its people who are driving the incredible changes we are seeing right now, with technology merely the enabler. This is the key insight from Dell EMC’s Africa Partner Summit 2018. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Africa Partner Summit : How technology is changing the world

By Press Release 27 July 2018

Dell EMC's Africa Partner Summit took a close look at what technology means and why businesses in Africa must transform, its annual Partner Summit, held this week in Cape Town. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC announces Africa Partner Awards winners in Cape Town

By Press Release 27 July 2018

Dell EMC celebrated its top partners at its annual summit, held in Cape Town this week. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Inspire 2018: Opening doors for partner innovation, growth and differentiation

By Opinion 17 July 2018

Gavriella Schuster, corporate vice president, One Commercial Partner explains why the partner ecosystem is imperative to the success of digital transformation. FULL STORY >


SAP Next-Gen Lab in partnership with UCT enables innovation between corporate SA and millennial talent

By Press Release 16 April 2018

The SAP Next-Gen Lab at the University of Cape Town aims to foster closer collaborative relationships between universities, students and the broader corporate sector. FULL STORY >

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