Geek News Highlights - The Fantastic Teaser Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 January 2015

Teasers a plenty in this week's Geek News, as Fantastic Four gets a trailer, Daft Punk's early days receives biopic and MythBusters tackle FPS gaming icon Doom. FULL STORY >


2014 - Top Movies of the year

By Spling 4 December 2014

With only December standing in the way of 2015, movie fundi Spling rounds-up the best releases of 2014. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights: The Geekfest Edition

By Ryan Noik 16 July 2014

In this week’s Geek News Highlights: Icon 2014 taking place this weekend, Daniel Radcliffe grows Horns and Thor to receive a gender reassignment. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights - Something For the Fans Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 May 2014

This week's Geek News Highlights is purely for the fans, as Zack Snyder reveals pics of Ben Affleck as Batman, Akira fanatics create a brilliant live action trailer, and X-Men's Gambit cast for upcoming films. FULL STORY >


New Movie Releases: May 2014

By Spling 2 May 2014

What movies should you be watching during May? Movie fundi Spling investigates. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights: The Spoiler Alert Edition

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 17 April 2014

This week is chock-a-block with spoilers, as we detail the latest X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer. As well as Jon Savage's new crowdfunded music mockumentary project. FULL STORY >


Geek News Highlights: The Terrific Trailers Edition

By Ryan Noik 27 March 2014

In this week’s Geek News Highlights, sci-fi fans have much to look forward to, with Prometheus 2 in the works,the Wachowski’s at it again and a new X-Men Days of Future Past trailer looking fantastic. FULL STORY >


Top 5 most anticipated movie releases for 2014

By Spling 14 January 2014

TechSmart brings you the top 5 most anticipated movie releases for 2014. FULL STORY >


Activision reveals voice talent for upcoming superhero titles

By Hanleigh Daniels 20 July 2011

Activision and Marvel announce hot Hollywood talent to voice characters in Spider-Man: Edge of Time and X-men Destiny. FULL STORY >


X-Men Origins Wolverine

By Brigitte 28 May 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is an epic action-adventure featuring a true-to-character Wolverine gameplay experience that takes gamers through and beyond the movieÔÇÖs storyline. FULL STORY >

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