Google Instant saves seconds
By Mike Joubert 9 September 2010 | Categories: news
In a move that Google believes can save 2-5 seconds per search, the search giant has introduced Google Instant. Google Instant predicts what you might be searching for and starts displaying search results before you've finished typing.
Unlike Google's live search results that display only the possible search terms, Google Instant already starts showing the results. In order to do so Google had to optimise JavaScript used to render pages while also developing new caching systems and regulate the rate at which Google shows results pages. These form part of 15 new technologies the company developed for Instant.
While the 2-5 seconds users save might not sound like much, Google estimates that Instant Results will save their collective users 11 hours every second.
According to a blog post by Marissa Mayer, VP Search Products and User Experience at Google, Instant will work on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE8. The service is currently offered in France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and the U.K.
Users in South Africa with a Google account already have the benefit of displaying instant results, but not yet
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