Justin Bieber uses three percent of Twitter resources
By Tom Manners 8 September 2010 | Categories: news
Teenage idol Justin Bieber is wildly popular around the globe, but it’s often difficult to put a finger numerically speaking onto just how big the Bieber phenomenon really is.
Technology news blog Gizmodo has picked up that well known designer, Dustin Curtis revealed via his Twitter account that Justin Bieber uses 3% of microblogging platform Twitter’s resources at any given time.
According to Curtis, a Twitter employee revealed that “"At any moment, Justin Bieber uses 3% of our infrastructure. Racks of servers are dedicated to him.”
Curtis also added that "Most of the popular users on Twitter have dedicated servers for their accounts."
Although 3% might not sound like a significant amount, it certainly is when we get up to popular social networking scales. Twitter recently revealed that it currently has 145 million registered users, this means that at any given time roughly 4.35 million people are Tweeting about the pint sized singer.
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