Sharp planning a 3D smartphone
By Tom Manners 4 August 2010 | Categories: news
Reports have surfaced that international electronics manufacturer Sharp is planning to release a 3D based smartphone before the end of the year to compete with Apple’s iPhone 4.
According to Reuters a company spokeswoman announced that the device will feature a 3D enabled screen which will not require 3D headsets to view, much like Nintendo’s incoming 3DS portable gaming console.
The announcement was made during a launch event for Sharp’s new 3D technology, which is specifically designed for small screens - perhaps a signal of the direction which the company intends to take three dimensional imagery.
Although Sharp is the largest mobile manufacturer in Japan, which has a population of roughly 127 million, it has failed to make much of an impact on the global market.
One would expect that with such innovative technology, Sharp intends to take on the likes of Apple and Blackberry, or at least licence the technology.
The catch is how well a 3D smartphone would go down with the general public. Although it might be embraced by the tech savvy and gimmick friendly Japanese, such a device could definitely be a hit or miss for Sharp on the global market.
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