By 26 April 2016 | Categories: news


"Just because there's not a war, doesn't means there's peace… He's coming." Yes, a new trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse surfaced online late yesterday and 20th Century Fox promises that it will be the last one before the film hits cinemas on 20 May. While this trailer serves up a lot of the same visuals we've seen in previous ones, the best bit is saved for the very end. 

This being an X-Men movie, you had to wonder when Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) would make an appearance. Those paying attention at home, will remember Wolverine was found at the bottom of a lake, his body riddled with steel rods courtesy of Magneto (Michael Fassbender) at the end of Days of Future Past. At the time, he was still rocking the bone claws. This time round however, he's decked out in adamantium. 

It also appears as if he's on the good side, with a young Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) telling Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) that they had some help taking on a few bad guys. How much Logan will feature in this film is unclear, but given his past in other X-Men films, he could play a pivotal role. 

While we wait for 20 May to roll by, hit play on the trailer below and enjoy. 


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