Google Assistant's new Voice II offers a male option
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 October 2017 | Categories: news
There's a change on the way for Google Assistant, with a male voice option reportedly in the works. Discovered by Android Police, a Voice II is now available in the Google Assistant's settings tab.
The new voice is said to be available on the Google Home speaker, the iOS version of the app, and the current Pixel phone. It should also be showcased on the Google Pixel 2, which is set to be unveiled later today at 18:00 (SAST).
The change is welcome, with most digital assistants providing a female voice and female names. Luckily, Google Assistant is fairly gender-neutral in our books, although we won't be using the name for our first born. To hear the new male voice in action, head over to Android Police's YouTube channel.
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