Google testing feature to download apps straight from Google app search screen
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 January 2016 | Categories: news
Some new tools are set to come to the Google app's search engine in coming weeks. According to Android Police, the company is testing out a new service in which smartphone and tablet users can download apps straight from their search screen, circumventing the need to enter the Google Play Store in order to do so.
Android Police also featured a few screenshots of the new tool at work. From the Google app search screen, not Chrome, users can launch a small permissions window to download the app straight to their device. At this stage, it is unclear whether Google will indeed start rolling out this new feature via an over-the-air update. Also up in the air is whether this new tool will remain limited to use within the Google app itself, or reach search engines like Chrome and Safari, which seems the more logical route.
As The Verge notes, this new feature could enhance Google's efforts to keep its search engine "relevant" amid the app dominated world of smart devices at the moment.
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