By 31 March 2017 | Categories: news


Et tu Joss Whedon? This might just be the words from Marvel Studios as Joss Whedon is crossing the comic book divide over to DC Comics. After directing both Marvel’s The Avengers movies, Whedon is slated to helm Batgirl, according to Variety. It is said that he is close to a deal to not only direct, but also to write and produce the movie.

There’s no doubt that Whedon has all the chops required to bring Batgirl to the big screen, with his experience with Buffy The Vampire Slayer a great fit for this teen heroine.

Meanwhile, Screen Rant believes that the main lead might have already been cast. Batgirl, or rather Barbara Gordon, they note will be played by Lindsey Morgan (Raven Reyes in The 100), based on her recent Twitter activity, noting also that the news should be taken with a grain of salt.

Batgirl made her first appearance in Batman #139 way back in April 1961 and has been popular ever since. A relaunch in September 2011 as part of The New 52 saw Batgirl back in the spotlight, and can certainly be attributed to DC’s interest in bringing her to the big screen.

Despite her popularity, Batgirl has never had her own movie, having been portrayed by Alicia Silverstone in 1997’s uniquely horrible Batman & Robin. How she will fit into the current DC universe is unknown, and so is a release date for the flick.

For a reminder of why Batman & Robin is widely ridiculed, have a laugh at Batgirl squaring off against Poison Ivy in the video below. We’re quite sure Whedon will do a bit better.


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