By 31 March 2017 | Categories: news


In June last year, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk hinted at plans to reuse one of the company's Falcon 9 rockets for another mission. Just over nine months later, SpaceX has been successful, relaunching and landing its Falcon 9 rocket on the droneship (Of Course I Still Love You) yesterday.

It marks a significant step forward for Musk and his SpaceX team, with Musk noting, "It's been 15 years to get to this point. I'm sort of at a loss for words. It's been a great day for SpaceX and space exploration as a whole.". The rocket used in yesterday's launch was part of a mission (SES-10) to deliver a supply run to the International Space Station. Along with being a notable engineering accomplishment, the more pertinent result of this success will be a substantial decrease in the cost of missions, with the rocket launch accounting for an estimated 80% of the entire endeavour, according to SpaceX.

As such, this latest achievement could mean far more missions being undertaken by SpaceX, as costs can be significantly reduced. Watch the relaunch and landing on this 14-minute long video by CBS News below.


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