New Force Awakens trailer leaves us pondering who new Jedi will be
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 October 2015 | Categories: news
After teasing five short videos of the The Force Awakens' new characters doing their best brooding stare, the third trailer for the highly anticipated film has been released. This new trailer serves up a few more questions than it does answers.
The Light side
The first, and perhaps most intriguing, is who the next generation of Jedi will be. In the first few trailers, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) looked primed to take up the mantle, especially as Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) narrated in the background of the trailer about the Force being strong in his family. It appears as if Dameron is taking on more of a military leader role in The Force Awakens, as he's shown going head to head with the main protagonist Rylo Ken (Adam Driver).
Instead, if the trailer is anything to go by, that potentially asthmatic Finn (John Boyega) could assume the mantle of Jedi. The final few frames of the trailer sees Finn wield a blue lightsaber, as he prepares to go mano e mano with Rylo Ken in a snow filled forrest. Also intriguing is that no last name has been given to Finn, nor newbie Rey (Daisy Ridley), with both instances being described as "completely intentional" by director JJ Abrams.
The Dark side
One other interesting aspect of the trailer is Rylo Ken, the Sith lord carrying the highly controversial crossguard lightsaber and leading the new First Order of the Empire. Ken pays homage to Darth Vader, and seems to channel a very similar aura about the way he conducts himself. "Nothing will stand in our way. I will finish what you started," promises Ken. This could be referring to the new Death Star we've seen in the poster for the film, but could also be alluding to some kind of father-son relationship between the two. Perhaps adding credence to this, is the fact that Benicio del Toro has already signed on to play the villain in the next film, which could mean that Ken ends up switching allegiances like Finn does.
Either way, this new trailer leaves us with a few unanswered questions, which is not a bad thing. In fact, it has us more amped than ever to see the new film, when it releases on 18 December 2015. Click on the trailer below and enjoy.
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