Oliver Stone’s Snowden gets first trailer
By Staff Writer 29 April 2016 | Categories: news
You might remember the story of Edward Snowden exposing the NSA’s mass surveillance plans in 2013. The outrage perhaps died down faster than one would have hoped, seeing Snowden leave for Russia to start a musical career (see video below).
If the documentary about Snowden, Citizenfour, didn’t grab your attention, maybe Oliver Stone can do better. From the man who bought us JFK, Nixon and The Doors, comes Snowden, set for a 16 September release in the States. The first trailer has been released and sees our man Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Don Jon) in the starring role, perhaps surprisingly also featuring Nicolas Cage (City of Angels).
The trailer starts off slow, showing Snowden’s time in the military, but it picks up quite a frenetic pace, revealing the clever but oh so geeky way he smuggled out the info. Also on board is Rhys Ifans (Notting Hill) and Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) as Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who helped expose the scandal. If Stone’s previous work is anything to go by, Snowden should provide one heck of a thought provoking ride, maybe, just maybe, shedding some light on the NSA’s abuses again.
Hit the trailer below for a first glimpse, while also checking out the real Edward Snowden’s recent collaboration with electronic music pioneer Jean Michel Jarre, with Snowden explaining why digital privacy matters.
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