By 27 November 2017 | Categories: News


The fourth season of the highly-acclaimed TV series, Black Mirror is fast approaching, and a new trailer for episode two places the notion of good parenting under the spotlight. Titled Arkangel and directed by Jodie Foster (Panic Room, Money Monster), this episode focuses on the dynamics of a single mother and her young daughter, as well as the former's constant paranoia about potential threats.

Just like any parent, the mother's (played by Rosemarie DeWitt) anxiousness gets kicked into overdrive when she thinks her child has been abducted from a playground. Luckily, she finds the child but is no less distraught, and turns to science in order to find a solution.

The result is an unknown experimental treatment that seemingly promises an increased degree of security and peace of mind. Like everything in a Black Mirror episode, all is not what it seems, and from we can tell from the trailer, whatever they're injecting into the young girl could be a bigger threat than the great big world out there.

Holding a mirror up to society while also tackling issues around the pervasiveness of technology, Black Mirror is a series that's definitely worth watching. All three past seasons are available via Netflix, with season four set to arrive soon, with no official date mentioned just yet. Until then, check out the trailer for Arkangel below, as well as another episode from season four titled Crocodile after that.


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