By 11 July 2016 | Categories: news


If you consider yourself an app fiend, you're likely familiar with Pokémon Go's recent debut. The app has risen to the number one spot in various international iOS and Android app stores, with its augmented reality and nostalgia proving too good to pass up. There is more coming to the app, however, with its developers Niantic informing Business Insider that players will soon be able to trade Pokémon with one another.

To that end, the app will draw on inspiration from the time it was once in Nintendo Game Boy form, says Niantic CEO John Hanke. While the developer's head honcho did not divulge too much detail on how the feature will work, he did emphasise that Niantic wanted it to foster greater interactions between players in the real world.

Whether or not this upcoming feature will keep Pokémon Go's momentum going remains to be seen, but for now the app is proving quite the hit.


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