By 11 September 2015 | Categories: news


You may remember last month we reported that Press Play had put which project it would next develop to the vote, offering players three potential games to choose from.  

It’s Knoxville, a third person multiplayer action survival game that has pipped the other contenders to the post, as Press Play announced that it survived the voting process and will be developed.

To recap, the multiplayer action survival game puts players in a Hunger Games-esque game show. However, the difference is that, unlike in the movie, where only one contestant was meant to walk away alive, all the contestants can potentially survive. This though depends whether players choose to betray their friends or not. The twist is a bit reminiscent of another game that has been occupying our time of late, Until Dawn (review) in which players choices similarly determine whether all or none of the game’s characters survive.

Accompanying the announcement is this rather, uhm, different video, which instead of showing gameplay, shows players reactions to the choices their fellow players are making.


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