Star Wars Episode VIII will be called The Last Jedi
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 January 2017 | Categories: News
The Star Wars movie universe is ever-expanding. After Disney released The Force Awakens to widespread fan approval, following up with last year's prequel Rogue One, attention now turns to Episode VIII. While we don't have a trailer to fawn over and dissect, Disney has confirmed that the next installment in the Star Wars franchise will be called The Last Jedi.
At this stage, that's all the information that Disney is willing to share at this stage, with the film slated for a 15 December release worldwide later this year. Perhaps South African audiences will catch a glimpse before the rest of the world, as was the case with Force Awakens.
The title is worth interpretation though. The reference to the Last Jedi is no doubt pointing towards Luke Skywalker, who met up with newcomer and supremely force-sensitive Rey (played by Daisy Ridley). Episode VIII then, will likely tackle her training as a Jedi, much like Luke went under in The Empire Strikes Back. Hopefully though, the film does not bear too much of a resemblance to Episode II.
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