Whiplash short film from 2013 surfaces online
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 March 2015 | Categories: news
Having watched Whiplash multiple times (at least four), it's crazy to think that this film by first time director Damian Chazelle almost didn't get made. Chazelle directed the short film below in 2013, but struggled to get funding for a feature length project.
Thankfully though, some money was scraped together and two years later, Whiplash collected three Oscars at this year's Academy Awards. Apart from a razor sharp soundtrack and tight filming sequences, the true standout of the film is the performance of J.K Simmons (Oz, Spider-Man), a ruthless ensemble band instructor who curses worse than a sailor.
The 17 minute-long short film by the same name has surfaced online. In it, a young and overawed jazz drummer (played by Johnny Simmons at the time, no relation to J.K) is thrown into the deep end and gets taught a very real lesson about tempo. Those who have seen Whiplash (yes, four times already), will notice that the dialogue in the the short and feature length films has barely changed. Also, J.K Simmons is no less cutting while ejecting one of his trombone players for being out of tune.
If you haven't seen Whiplash yet, the short film featured after the break should provide you with all the motivation you'll need. We'll also throw the feature film's trailer in for good measure.
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