By 16 March 2018 | Categories: news


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In a tragic story that has no winners, Monalisa Perez, the woman who shot dead her boyfriend in a YouTube prank gone wrong, was sentenced to six months in prison.

Her boyfriend, Pedro Ruiz, was killed when she shot him at close range, with only a hardback encyclopaedia used as protection. Ruiz was under the impression that the 40 mm thick book would be enough to bear the impact of the bullet, having experimented before the incident. According to the BBC, the handgun, a Desert Eagle, was fired from only 30 cm away, with thirty people watching the shooting, amongst which the couple’s three-year-old child.

Perez was sentenced to six month’s imprisonment with terms agreed under plea bargaining. She would need to serve a 180-day jail term, alternating between ten days spent inside prison, and ten outside for the first six months. The rest of her 90 days must be served in South Dakota where she resides.

While the sentence is below the standard set by the state, Norman County attorney James Brue noted that the stunt was planned and executed by Ruiz, and that Perez acted upon his request believing that the stunt would be safe.

Below the final tweet sent by Perez before the incident. 



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