By 10 November 2017 | Categories: news


Attending university is not in everyone’s budget as #FeesMustFall has certainly proven. For those whom learning is the only reward, it will be worthwhile to check out the 600 new courses available online from 200 universities across the globe. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have been available for a while now and is mostly free, although what’s missing is that little piece of paper you receive at the end called a Degree.

Dhawal Shah, founder of Class Central, has been keeping track of these online, and has compiled a list of the most recent over at Quartz.

The list is quite comprehensive, with some of the universities who have contributed courses being Harvard University, Stanford University, Delft University of Technology, the University of Edinburgh, Tel Aviv University and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (albeit in Russian).

Shah has generously laid out the course in the following categories:

  • Computer Science,
  • Mathematics,
  • Programming, Data Science,
  • Humanities,
  • Social Sciences,
  • Education & Teaching,
  • Health & Medicine,
  • Business,
  • Personal Development,
  • Engineering,
  • Art & Design,
  • Science

You’ll find that getting to the eventual course requires a bit of clicking, since Shah’s list takes you through to Class Central first and then to the course where sign-up is sometimes required.

As stated above, you’re not receiving a degree (although some offer a verified certificate for a fee) nor will you be writing exams, but these courses can prove worthwhile in jobs such as programming, where skills sometimes trounce qualifications. Also, if you have a bit of spare-time on hand, what else are you going to do, browse Facebook?


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