Purge starts as First Purge trailer released

By Staff Writer 10 April 2018

Forget the new Han Solo movie, this is the origin story you really want to watch. The Purge franchise grew bigger than anyone would ever have imagined, and now the fourth movie is lined up, taking us to the start of this savage, one night only murder... FULL STORY >


Jason Statham takes on giant shark in first trailer for The Meg

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 April 2018

"Haven't you ever watched Shark Week?" FULL STORY >


First full trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story lands online

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 April 2018

The second Star Wars spin-off films, Solo, has received a full length trailer, giving us more interactions between Han and Lando, as well as an insight into just how old Chewbacca is. FULL STORY >


Huawei launches the P20 and P20 Pro in South Africa

By Staff Writer 6 April 2018

A week after its global unveiling in Paris, Huawei has brought the P20 and P20 Pro to SA, costing a recommended R12 999 and R15 499 respectively. FULL STORY >


Call for boycott of South Korean university developing ‘Killer Robots’

By Staff Writer 5 April 2018

Some people just want to watch the world burn, even if they are academics it seems. FULL STORY >


Microsoft offering AI courses for professionals

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 April 2018

With an expected demand for AI engineers, Microsoft is offering a course for professionals to help bolster their CV. FULL STORY >


Westworld Season 2 trailer drops

By Staff Writer 3 April 2018

If you found the first season of Westworld gripping, well hang on to your cowboy hats. FULL STORY >


Digital Transformation – Is It Real or Just Science Fiction?

By Press Release 28 March 2018

While digital transformation has emerged as a top priority for most organisations, there are concerns that it is being oversimplified and that companies are focusing only on the front-end or user experience. FULL STORY >


Enterprises and businesses in SA poised to embrace emerging technologies

By Ryan Noik 22 March 2018

Large South African enterprises, grappling with digital transformation, are now poised to leverage emerging technologies, according to a new study. FULL STORY >


Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus are now available countrywide

By Staff Writer 20 March 2018

The South Korean manufacturer's latest flagships is now available in South Africa, with the Galaxy S9 costing R15 499 and S9 Plus for R17 999. FULL STORY >


Liberty Short Term insurance turns to robot for transformation

By Ryan Noik 19 March 2018

In the digital age, it seems like the old catchphrase “show me the money” has been replaced with “show me your chatbot”. Liberty Short term Insurance provided a sneak peak into its impending chatbot, launching later this... FULL STORY >


New trailer drops for Avengers: Infinity War over the weekend

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 19 March 2018

A second fully fledged trailer for Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War film landed online over the weekend, offering us more action and glimpse at Thanos' Black Order. FULL STORY >


Toyota robot shooting hoops, but not a star on court

By Staff Writer 16 March 2018

They might have our number at Go and Starcraft, but when it comes to basketball, LeBron and co. still have the upper hand over the robots. FULL STORY >


Machine Learning is here - Why not reap the benefits?

By Press Release 14 March 2018

Google’s recent announcement that its Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning courses will be made available to the general public free of charge highlights the rapid pace at which machine learning is becoming a part of everyday... FULL STORY >


Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins now available

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2018

Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins, the latest piece of DLC in the Freedom Chronicles trilogy, is now available. FULL STORY >

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