SAP Skills for Africa officially launched in SA with impact on digital economy in mind

By Staff Writer 29 September 2015

Following successful launches in Kenya and Morocco, SAP Skills for Africa officially begins in South Africa, with the aim of enriching our digital economy. FULL STORY >


Spacecraft: Batman limited edition watch aims to entice rich Dark Knight fans

By Staff Writer 28 September 2015

With Batman Day recently passed, Swiss watchmaker, RJ-Romain Jerome has come up with a timepiece that looks like it has been created in one of Wayne Enterprises’ laboratories. FULL STORY >


Samsung and Oculus Gear VR collaboration yields first retail version

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 September 2015

After announcing their collaborative efforts last year, the Samsung and Oculus Gear VR gets a $99 price tag and dated for release this November in the States. FULL STORY >


Make your own Peanuts character for free

By Staff Writer 22 September 2015

The Peanuts Movie is due for a 3D release and to up the hype the creators are allowing you to do something quite amazing – Peanutize yourself. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My Favourite Shot - Mark Mansfield

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

If you ever thought photography was easy, just have a look what went into an incredible photo shoot done by aviation photographer, Mark Mansfield. The subject? Well, let's just say that she can be described as big boned, with extra space needed... FULL STORY >


Puma and Konami partner to release Snake’s shoes

By Ryan Noik 21 September 2015

In partnership with Konami, has released the first-ever footwear created purely from a console game, with its new sneaking boot remaining true to the dimensions of its digital version. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers - The Last Witch Hunter

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

The latest trailer for Vin Diesel’s The Last Witch Hunter certainly looks the best yet. FULL STORY >


Asked and answered: Seven key questions on mobile ERP

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

Viesturs Zalaiskalns, Channel Manager at HansaWorld South Africa, answers seven questions commonly asked by businesses on mobile ERP FULL STORY >


E-mail is a morning thing. Proven.

By Staff Writer 21 September 2015

If your work largely consists of e-mailing then the data suggests you’re slacking off in the afternoon. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: Changing Landscapes – Why Innovation is more NB than ever

By Staff Writer 18 September 2015

In the next article in our Innovation Series, Innocentrix looks at the importance of innovation in our current business landscape. FULL STORY >


The Witness trailer revealed

By Ryan Noik 18 September 2015

The Witness has been announced for release on the PS4 in January, bringing an impressive new trailer to whet players' appetite. FULL STORY >


Digital fuels growth in Africa’s entertainment and media industry: PwC report

By Staff Writer 18 September 2015

After more than a decade of digital disruption, the African entertainment and media industry has entered a new landscape – one where the media is no longer divided into distinct traditional and digital spheres,... FULL STORY >


Returning from her Alpha 3 days, Karin joins Street Fighter V

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015

Keeping with current form, Capcom details yet another returning character for its Street Fighter V roster, Karin Kanzuki. FULL STORY >


With no release date yet, Persona 5 offers respite with new trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015

Sadly for Persona 5 fans, the eager wait for the game's release continues. In the interim however, a new trailer has been unveiled at the Tokyo Games Show. FULL STORY >


New Steve Jobs trailer shows a man with a lot on his plate

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 September 2015

The Michael Fassbender-driven biopic of Apple's Steve Jobs has debuted a new trailer, as the co-founder gets pulled in all directions. FULL STORY >

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