More Cape winelands now on Google Street View, Botswana next

By Hanleigh Daniels 6 February 2012

Web search giant Google is expanding on the number of Cape wineries available via its Google Street View service and also reveals Botswana as the next location that its Street View cars are headed to. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Office 365 cloud trial now live in South Africa

By Staff Writer 30 November 2011

Every day the move towards cloud computing is taking another step forward, but locally a giant leap has been made with the announcement that Microsofts Office 365 public trial is going live. FULL STORY >


Chris Botha

By Mike Joubert 6 April 2011

At 33 Chris Botha is group MD of The MediaShop, one of the biggest media agencies in SA. He talks to TechSmart about marketing in the age of social media. FULL STORY >


Spam on the rise yet again

By Johan Keyter 23 February 2011

Kaspersky Labs' January 2011 Spam Report points to an increase in worldwide spam. FULL STORY >


Wikileaks fuels December spam increase

By Johan Keyter 31 January 2011

Kaspersky Lab's latest spam report shows how trending stories can impact the world's spam circulation. FULL STORY >


NASA Robonaut 2

By Johan Keyter 3 August 2010

NASA is sending their most advanced humanoid robot to space and at the same time is allowing Twitter users to ask it some questions. FULL STORY >


Virus safe and secure June

By Staff Writer 7 June 2010

A Botnet can be described as a collection of PCs infected with a computer worm, which puts the system under the worm creators control without the owners knowledge. FULL STORY >


The Robos are coming

By Mike Joubert 3 August 2009

Robonica specialises in entertainment robotics, and is in the process of launching the worldÔÇÖs first entertainment robotics product range in September in South Africa and the USA. FULL STORY >

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