Next-generation robots will guarantee a workplace revolution

By Press Release 6 February 2017

Orange Business Services’ CTO, Mark McCallum, looks into robotic technologies and how these are changing the workplace, and will continue to do so in future. FULL STORY >


How to prepare for robots in the workplace

By Press Release 2 February 2017

Dr. Roze Phillips, managing director for Accenture Consulting, discusses the impact AI will have on the workplace and how to prepare for it. FULL STORY >


Sabotage DLC now ready for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 February 2017

Infinite Warfare's latest DLC, Sabotage, brings four new multiplayer maps to the fore, along with a new Zombie co-op mode. FULL STORY >


Putting the robots on hold at contact centres

By Press Release 6 January 2017

Efficiency can be designed, built and enhanced; it’s the goal of any IT department to optimise efficiency and boost productivity, and, increasingly, customers have come to expect that, too, notes Wynand Smit, CEO of INOVO. FULL STORY >


Feersum Engine: the multilingual chatbot launched at Botcon Africa 2016

By Press Release 18 November 2016

Feersum Engine: the multilingual chatbot for WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and more launched today at Botcon Africa 2016. FULL STORY >


How Smart Bots will simplify your Life as a Business Owner

By Press Release 18 November 2016

Meet Pegg, the personal trainer for your business. Pegg will log your expenses and file your receipts for you, with no fuss at all. Pegg can tell you what you’ve spent or earned for the month and remind you instantly who owes you... FULL STORY >


Robots threaten up to two thirds of developing countries' jobs

By Press Release 10 November 2016

The increased use of robots threatens millions of jobs in developing countries, by undermining the advantage of low wages and facilitating the "reshoring" of industries back to industrialized countries, according to a new policy... FULL STORY >


Mastercard launches Chatbot Platforms for banks and merchants

By Press Release 25 October 2016

Platforms provide partners with new ways to engage and deliver compelling, personalised experiences to consumers. FULL STORY >


Robotic agriculture: the battle between the big and the small

By Press Release 25 October 2016

Agricultural robotics can upend several commonly-held notions. Amongst them is the idea that big is better. In practise this has translated into ever larger and more powerful agricultural machinery. FULL STORY >


Toyota's Kirobo Mini robot companion goes on sale next year for $400

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 October 2016

File this one under cute gadgets to waste your money on. FULL STORY >


WIN one of two StikBot Zanimation Studios with TechSmart and Prima Toys

By Staff Writer 26 September 2016

Having arrived locally via Prima Toys, we have two StikBot Zanimation Studios to give away to our readers to get their stop-motion animating career up and running. FULL STORY >


Robo-Bosses: the future is here and it’s not as scary as it seems

By Press Release 21 September 2016

A robot-driven future is closer than we think. According to Gartner’s “Top Predictions for IT Organisations and Users for 2016 and Beyond”, more than three million workers globally will have robo-boss supervision by 2018 FULL STORY >


Five of the best fan-made StikBot videos to date

By Staff Writer 20 September 2016

Hopefully serving as inspiration for your own original video, we went through StikBot Central's YouTube channel and selected five of the best fan-made ones to date. FULL STORY >


Robots in the Workplace – Helping employees and improving work

By Press Release 20 September 2016

Robots seem to be everywhere these days—on the big screen in popular science fiction movies, in books and in toy stores, and also in a real way improving our workplaces and other aspects of our daily lives. FULL STORY >


StikBot: An aspiring stop-motion animator's dream toy

By Staff Writer 7 September 2016

One of the more innovative toys for budding movie makers, to arrive in South Africa in quite some time, the StikBot can take your at-home projects to the next level. FULL STORY >

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