Ford experiments with four-legged robots to scout factories
By Staff Writer 25 August 2020Who let the 'dogs' in? FULL STORY >

Blue Prism earns the Leaders nod from Gartner for RPA
By Press Release 6 August 2020Blue Prism a global leader in intelligent automation, has again been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Leaders quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). FULL STORY >

How to prepare for the new world of digital workers
By Industry Contributor 29 May 2020By Ryan Falkenberg, co-CEO, CLEVVA FULL STORY >
rAInbow chatbot offers a safe space for domestic abuse victims to get information without leaving the house
By Industry Contributor 31 March 2020rAInbow is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to chat with users and provide accurate information on domestic violence. FULL STORY >

Top CX trends for CIOs to Watch
By Staff Writer 3 March 2020Gartner predicts that by 2022, 70% of customer interactions will involve emerging technologies such as machine learning (ML) applications, chatbots and mobile messaging, up from 15% in 2018. FULL STORY >

Robotic process automation and practical use of cloud to define the digital workplace in 2020
By Industry Contributor 17 January 2020Ryan Jamieson, Solutions and Innovation Officer at Altron Karabina unpacks some of the technology trends hits and misses - and the most exciting potential to watch out for - in 2020. FULL STORY >

Canon announces the Robotic Camera System CR-S700R enabling the remote operation of EOS cameras
By Press Release 9 January 2020Canon Europe announces the release of its remote control system for still image shooting. FULL STORY >

Robotics coming to Vodacom rAge with Olympia finals
By Staff Writer 10 September 2019Vodacom rAge 2019 has added another first to its list of attractions, with the World Robotic Olympia SA (WRO SA) setting up shop to host their top teams. FULL STORY >

Blue Prism set to showcase AI Digital Exchange this week
By Press Release 4 September 2019Blue Prism will showcase its comprehensive artificial intelligence Digital Exchange (DX) at AI Expo Africa this week, setting in place the foundation for South African businesses to begin their journey into the era of AI. FULL STORY >

South Africa gets its own RPA community as intelligent automation takes off
By Press Release 2 August 2019SMEs and set to follow enterprises in harnessing their own digital workers, according to Blue Prism, with a South African Robotic Process Automation community being launched to facilitate this change. FULL STORY >

Will the robot revolution deepen our humanity?
By Ryan Noik 22 July 2019It’s not every day that you meet the world’s first humanoid robotic citizen, but standing next to Sophia the Robot, one can’t help but feel like humanity is at the very beginning of a future that was once only the domain of science fiction FULL STORY >

Quick review: Hobot Leegee-668 vacuum mop robot
By Mike Joubert 12 July 2019We all need a helping hand now and then, especially when it comes to cleaning the house. The Hobot Leegee-668 vacuum mop robot does certainly help in this regard. FULL STORY >

LG announces own AI chip for future robotized products
By Ryan Noik 17 May 2019The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has taken another bold step forward with LG announcing that the company has developed its own artificial intelligence chip (AI) chip. FULL STORY >

Opinion - The rise of the new-age digital assistant experience
By Industry Contributor 17 May 2019What will better digital assistants mean for users, and will they replace customer service agents entirely? Craig Nel, Mobile & Cognitive Experience (MCX) Leader at Oracle Middle East, Africa and Turkey, offers his perspective. FULL STORY >

Intellinexus reveals next-generation artificial intelligence with Emma, Luke and Mila
By Press Release 4 March 2019Fully managed, premium, ready-to-go AI and BI chatbots on demand. FULL STORY >
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