SPOT now offers South Africa comprehensive satellite coverage

By Staff Writer 26 June 2015

Affordable tracking and safety devices now available to adventurers across South Africa FULL STORY >


MIT Cheetah II robot hurdles obstacles with ease

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 May 2015

Starting to perform far more like its namesake, the DARPA-funded and MIT designed Cheetah II robot can now hurdle multiple objects with relative ease. FULL STORY >


Robotech movie linked to James Wan

By Staff Writer 30 April 2015

Good news then for all the old fans of Robotech, since reports indicate a new live-action movie might just be in the works from Sony Pictures, with James Wan directing. FULL STORY >


3D printing in 2015: The sky is the limit

By Staff Writer 27 March 2015

Imagine a world where you don’t have to buy replacement parts for your car or home appliance – you can just print your own. FULL STORY >


EZ Robots land in The Gadget Shop

By Staff Writer 4 March 2015

More than toys, the new range of EZ Robot offerings are now available in SA through The Gadget Shop, giving enthusiasts the chance to get creative. FULL STORY >


Boston Dynamics debuts smaller four-legged robot - Spot

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 February 2015

Spot may be named after a dog, but the new smaller quadrupedal robot from Boston Dynamics looks and moves like anything but. FULL STORY >


MakerBot 3D printers land on SA shores

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 October 2014

Now available on South African shores, Brooklyn-based 3D printing manufacturer MakerBot has debuted a number of its leading products. FULL STORY >


MiP robot

By Ryan Noik 31 July 2014

One of the vanguards of science fiction has been and still remains robots, and the latest to serve as an ambassador for robotics is the tiny but entertaining MiP. FULL STORY >


Bits on Bots

By Staff Writer 24 February 2014

50 years ago, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov predicted that by 2014 robots will be common but not really clever. True, but there are a few darn smart ones around. FULL STORY >


Apple iOS Apps of the month - September 2013

By Ryan Noik 6 September 2013

You'll never come close to going through all the apps in Apple's App Store. TechSmart finds the best free apps that the App Store has to offer. FULL STORY >


SciNews - March 2013

By Linda Pretorius 18 March 2013

Coldness, bouncing robots and Achilles' heel all feature in this month's SciNews. FULL STORY >


MTN goes live with commercial LTE

By Staff Writer 30 November 2012

Good news for MTN customers, and the local cellular industry in general, is that MTN SA has gone live with the commercial availability of LTE Long Term Evolution. FULL STORY >


Botswana comes to Street View on Google Maps

By Staff Writer 28 November 2012

Following the launch of Street View in South Africa just before the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Botswana will become only the second African country to be integrated on Street View. FULL STORY >


Facebook warns about DNSChanger botnet

By Ryan Noik 6 June 2012

Facebook has advised users that they will be notified on the site if they are at risk of being disconnected from the internet next month, due to a DNSChanger botnet. FULL STORY >


Web Time Wasters March 2012

By Ryan Noik 1 March 2012

Some cool sites we've tracked down for your surfing pleasure. FULL STORY >

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