Five reasons why AI needs Women

By Opinion 8 March 2018

In light of International Women’s Day today, Kriti Sharma, VP of AI at Sage writes about why AI needs women. FULL STORY >


Accenture Interactive: Africa’s leading customer experience agency, powered by applied intelligence and design

By Press Release 1 March 2018

The company's latest offering promises to enter a new breed of agency - the Customer Experience Agency. FULL STORY >


Amazon Opinion - How AI Will Accelerate IoT Solutions for Enterprise

By Opinion 27 February 2018

Artificial intelligence (AI) is going mainstream, which has long-lasting implications for how enterprises build and improve their products and services. Amazon's Everton Xavier and Imran Rafique elaborate. FULL STORY >


Lenovo sees intelligence transforming everything at MWC 2018, from devices to data centre

By Opinion 27 February 2018

At MWC 2018, Lenovo reinforced its 2018 vision for technology innovations, moving its core strategy to Augmented Intelligence. FULL STORY >


Artificial Intelligence: Moving us from personal computers to personalised computing

By Opinion 22 February 2018

Thibault Dousson, general manager, Lenovo South Africa & SADC, unpacks how personal computing has change in the era of AI. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab DDoS Intelligence Quarterly Report reveals accidental attacks and cybercriminals’ quest for cash

By Press Release 6 February 2018

Accidental DDoS attacks by spammers, political sabotage and the owners of DDoS botnets attempting to make money from Bitcoin – these are just some of the trends analysed in... FULL STORY >


Citrix 2018 Prediction Series Part 2: Rise of AI

By Ryan Noik 19 January 2018

Following on from the first Citrix prediction for 2018,the second prediction for this year’s technology landscape focuses on the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. FULL STORY >


IBM unveils Industry’s most advanced server designed for Artificial Intelligence

By Opinion 6 December 2017

IBM today unveiled its next-generation Power Systems Servers incorporating its newly designed POWER9 processor. FULL STORY >


NetApp unwraps its CTO predictions for 2018

By Ryan Noik 4 December 2017

With 2018 fast approaching, NetApp South Africa’s country manager Morne Bekker detailed the latest chief technology officer (CTO) predictions for the year ahead. FULL STORY >


Google Lens coming to Pixel phones via Assistant in next few weeks

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 November 2017

The company's AI photography tool is making its way to Pixel and Pixel 2 phones in coming weeks, and will be available via Google Assistant. FULL STORY >


Game over: A.I. defeated at StarCraft

By Staff Writer 3 November 2017

In the escalating arms race between mankind and AI, us meat-bags have a paltry track record, having already lost at Go and Dota 2. Our South Korean brothers though, are keeping the flag flying, recently destroying A.I. bots 4-0 at StarCraft, according to... FULL STORY >


Dimension Data reveals key technologies reshaping businesses in 2018

By Press Release 3 November 2017

Amid Dimension Data's release of the top IT predictions for the forthcoming year, it is Blockchain that is considered the disruptor to watch out for. FULL STORY >


From watchman to business intelligence: the evolution of remote monitoring

By Opinion 1 November 2017

By Kobus van Deventer, Guardian Eye Manager, Vox FULL STORY >


Artificial Intelligence: Harnessing the true potential of this revolutionary force

By Opinion 30 October 2017

As we race towards an uncertain future, one thing’s for sure: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay. We cannot know exactly how it will reshape our work, our businesses, and our lives in general, but... FULL STORY >


DeepMind launches AI Ethics unit

By Staff Writer 5 October 2017

DeepMind announced in a blog post the establishment of DeepMind Ethics & Society, eloquently explaining why this research unit was necessary. FULL STORY >

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