Magnificent Seven teaser trailer debuts

By Staff Writer 21 April 2016

If you were wondering where your next Chris Pratt (Jurassic World) fix will be coming from, look no further. A teaser trailer has been released for The Magnificent Seven, a movie which had at least two incarnations previously. FULL STORY >


Bidding war for live-action Pokémon movie rights currently underway

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 April 2016

Pokemon is still popular now as it was almost 20 years ago when first created. Now Hollywood is bidding on the rights to develop a live-action version of the pocket monsters. FULL STORY >


Scarlett Johansson featured in first image for live-action Ghost in the Shell

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 April 2016

While we're unsure how fans will react to Scarlett Johansson playing Major Motoko Kusanagi, Paramount and Dreamworks has released the first image of the lead actress in character. FULL STORY >


Director James Cameron confirms that there will be four Avatar sequels

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 April 2016

According to Avatar director, James Cameron, we're heading back to the world of Pandora and the Na'vi, with four sequels being confirmed. FULL STORY >


Benedict Cumberbatch features in first teaser trailer for Doctor Strange

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 April 2016

With so many comic book films happening this year, you may have forgotten about Doctor Strange. Luckily, Marvel has debuted a teaser trailer showcasing some of what's in store. FULL STORY >


Marvel confirms 2017-slated Spidey film title as Spider-Man: Homecoming

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 April 2016

Swinging into cinemas on 7 July 2017, Marvel names the upcoming Spider-Man film Spider-Man: Homecoming. FULL STORY >


Captain America and Co. feature heavily in new Civil War clip

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 April 2016

Despite Marvel promising that we'd seen all the Captain America: Civil War trailers, they debuted a new one at the MTV Movie Awards, with Cap doing his superhero thing. FULL STORY >


Suicide Squad embraces their funny side in latest trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 April 2016

Perhaps a move away from the darker tone of Dawn of Justice, the latest Suicide Squad trailer shows everybody having a good time. FULL STORY >


The Death Star returns in first teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 April 2016

The larger Star Wars movie universe is beginning to take shape, as the first teaser trailer for spin-off title, Rogue One, lands online. FULL STORY >


Second trailer for The BFG takes us deeper into Roald Dahl's world

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 April 2016

After releasing a teaser trailer a few months ago, Disney takes us further into Roald Dahl's world with a new full length trailer for The BFG. FULL STORY >


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 March 2016

When two of DC's most iconic superheroes need to share the screen, getting the balance just right can prove a tough task. Thankfully though, director Zack Snyder has pulled it off. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Lumia and Uber partner for release of Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

By Staff Writer 21 March 2016

Microsoft South Africa has partnered with Uber and Warner Bros. Pictures to provide fans with a cinematic experience for Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice. FULL STORY >


Second X-Men: Apocalypse trailer brings the Four Horsemen to the fore

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 March 2016

Magneto, Storm, Psylocke and Archangel. These are the mutants chosen as Apocalypse's horsemen, with the second trailer for the upcoming X-Men film showing them in full force. FULL STORY >


New Spider-Man spotted in second Captain America: Civil War trailer

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 11 March 2016

Thrown in during the last few seconds, Marvel shows off their new-look Spider-Man in the second Captain America: Civil War trailer. FULL STORY >


It's time to pick sides in final trailer teasers for Captain America: Civil War

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 March 2016

Captain America: Civil War will see two of the most iconic Avengers go up against one another. Who will come out on top is anyone's guess, but Marvel already wants you to choose sides. FULL STORY >

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