YouTube Red reportedly has plans to stream movies and TV shows via the service

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 December 2015

According to reports, YouTube is in talks to get content to stream via its new subscription service, YouTube Red. FULL STORY >


Superman unmasks Batman in latest Dawn of Justice teaser clip

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 December 2015

DC's two most iconic superheroes encounter one another in this latest teaser clip for Dawn of Justice, as the Man of Steel unmasks the Dark Knight. FULL STORY >


Ridley Scott confirms Alien prequel trilogy with Alien: Covenant the first

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 November 2015

Originally thought to be a sequel to Prometheus, now director Ridley Scott confirms that Alien: Covenant will in fact kick off a new Alien trilogy of prequel films. FULL STORY >


First Captain America: Civil War trailer sees Cap and Iron-Man on opposite sides

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 November 2015

Marvel's next big budget superhero project, Captain America: Civil War draws inspiration from the comic book series and pits members of the Avengers against one another. FULL STORY >


Hot New Trailers – Zoolander II Full

By Staff Writer 20 November 2015

After a teaser trailer didn’t reveal much, except that a new movie is coming, we now, finally, have the Zoolander II trailer we’ve been waiting for. Derek, Hansel and Mugatu are back, and if the trailer is anything to go by, well, it’s going to be an... FULL STORY >


Star Wars: The Force Awakens has amassed $50 million in ticket sales to date

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 November 2015

With its highly anticipated debut less than a month away, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already raked in $50 million in ticket sales in the US alone. FULL STORY >


Bryan Singer reportedly set to direct X-Men: Apocalypse follow-up film

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2015

With X-Men: Apocalypse in post production and set for release in May 2016, director Bryan Singer is reportedly onboard to direct the next film in the X-Men anthology. FULL STORY >


Gods of Egypt trailer debuts filled with CGI insanity

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 November 2015

If Exodus: Gods and Kings, and Clash of the Titans had a baby, it would indeed be Gods of Egypt. The first trailer for this CGI-laden film has just landed online. FULL STORY >


The best internet packages for ShowMax

By Staff Writer 16 November 2015

By now, the TV shows, movies and more on offer from streaming service ShowMax are well known. But which ISP is best suited to your viewing needs and data limits? We explore the best options currently available. FULL STORY >


Entertainment Weekly releases new Star Wars: The Force Awakens images

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 13 November 2015

New images unveiled by Entertainment Weekly show Poe and Finn interact, as well as Rey joining the snow forest lightsaber battle. Could she end up helping Finn fight Rylo Ken? FULL STORY >


Hot new Trailers: Alice Through the Looking Glass

By Staff Writer 11 November 2015

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There was Lewis Carroll’s sequel to the widely popular Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The follow-up movie luckily spares us the long winded title, simply settling on Alice Through the... FULL STORY >


Hot new Trailers: Finding Dory

By Staff Writer 11 November 2015

For a movie as popular as Finding Nemo there just had to be a sequel. This time round, come 17 June 2016, it’s Dory’s turn to be found. FULL STORY >


Full Warcraft trailer revealed

By Staff Writer 9 November 2015

As promised Blizzard released a full trailer for the upcoming World of Warcraft movie at their recent BlizzCon event. It leaves the recent teaser in the dust and certainly fleshes out the plot, confirming that it tells the tale out of the viewpoint of two... FULL STORY >


First full length trailer for Tarantino's Hateful Eight arrives

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 November 2015

Quentin Tarantino's post-Civil War romp, The Hateful Eight arrives on 8 January 2016. Until then, the first full length trailer for the film arrives online for you to enjoy. FULL STORY >


World of Warcraft teaser trailer revealed

By Staff Writer 4 November 2015

With the poster having recently been revealed, our first indication of how the movie has turned out lies in a new 16 second teaser trailer for Warcraft. FULL STORY >

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