Microsoft All in One Media Keyboard
By Ryan Noik 28 July 2015Microsoft’s All in One Media keyboard isn't perfect, but it does have a couple of distinguishing features that make it likable all the same. FULL STORY >

Trend Micro Deep Security now available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
By Staff Writer 23 July 2015As cloud infrastructure adoption continues to accelerate, Trend Micro Incorporated announced the availability of its cloud and data centre platform, Trend Micro Deep Security, on the Azure Marketplace, an online store... FULL STORY >

Hot new trailers - The Good Dinosaur
By Staff Writer 23 July 2015With Pixar’s Inside Out currently doing business at number four on the SA Box Office charts, another Disney movie has received a trailer. FULL STORY >

Q&A, Mark Bradshaw, SNAPnSAVE
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 July 2015Having recently made a debut in the local retail and app space, we chat to SNAPnSAVE CEO Mark Bradshaw about its development and the disruptive effect of digital coupons. FULL STORY >

Ericsson collaborates with Softbank on 5G trials in Tokyo
By Staff Writer 21 July 2015Ericsson is extending its long-term partnership with SoftBank Corp. by adding joint field trials of 5G technology in Tokyo. FULL STORY >

Microsoft certifies Riverbed SteelCentral AppInternals 10
By Staff Writer 17 July 2015Riverbed and Microsoft partnership offers customers immediate insight into the performance of their cloud-based applications FULL STORY >

Microsoft BizSpark Champions Tech Entrepreneurship in SA
By Staff Writer 14 July 2015Microsoft, through its BizSpark programme, has now opened up a world of untapped opportunities for over 1600 South African start-ups, who have in turn created over 300 jobs. FULL STORY >

Clock strikes twelve on Windows Server 2003 support
By Staff Writer 14 July 2015At the stroke of midnight, the final chapter will have been written on one of the most widely deployed operating system in Microsoft’s history, as support ends for Windows Server 2003. FULL STORY >

Microsoft bundles Xbox One and Gears of War Ultimate Edition for 25 August
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 July 2015Fancy getting a next-gen console as well as one of Microsoft's best selling games? Well Microsoft is bundling the Xbox One and Gears of War Ultimate Edition for 25 August 2015. FULL STORY >

Hot New Trailers - Snowden
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015Featuring one of our favourite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Snowden is the highly anticipated biopic about the titular CIA employee, who broke the infamous info on the NSA's surveillance. FULL STORY >

Hot New Trailers - Goosebumps
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 9 July 2015If you went to school in the 90s, some of your reading material was probably penned by R.L. Stine, as his Goosebumps books were a staple. Now a film has been made starring Jack Black. FULL STORY >

New Travel, Hospitality and Leisure Solution Unit from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise announced
By Staff Writer 8 July 2015ALE, operating under the brand Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, today announced the creation of a global Travel, Hospitality and Leisure Solution Business Unit to deliver outcome based technology solutions that... FULL STORY >

Gartner asks CIOs to rise to the digital challenge
By Staff Writer 7 July 2015The annual Gartner Symposium/ITxpo taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from September 28 to 30 will examine the need for companies to evolve into a digital business and remain competitive. FULL STORY >

Winter is Coming, and so is GeekFest 2015 this weekend
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 3 July 2015The dead of winter may be fast approaching, but this weekend's GeekFest 2015 might just be the thing to stock up your geek-larder, to see you through the months ahead. FULL STORY >

Calculating the real cost of IT
By Staff Writer 2 July 2015The initial cost of a company laptop represents less than 30 percent of the total cost of owning and using it. FULL STORY >
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