LG flexes its curved smartphone display muscles

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 October 2013

LG announces its smartphone with a curved display in the G Flex right on the heels of Samsung unveiling the Galaxy Round. FULL STORY >


Quick Review - Canon EOS 100D

By Ryan Noik 28 October 2013

If you are looking for the smallest, most portable Canon DSLR around, look no further – the EOS 100D admirably fits the bill. FULL STORY >


Livescribe 3 pen announced

By Ryan Noik 28 October 2013

The newly updated Livescribe 3 pen has been announced, and this time round, it is more closely wed to Apple’s tablets and devices. FULL STORY >


Sony and Microsoft beat their drums

By Ryan Noik 25 October 2013

With the holiday season fast approaching, both Sony and Microsoft are beginning to beat the battledrums, with each asserting that come the end of the year, theirs is the console to get, both via new commercials. FULL STORY >


Cookoo Bluetooth 4.0 connected smartwatch

By Hanleigh Daniels 25 October 2013

Smartwatches are expected to become the next big thing and the Cookoo aims to put local users ahead of the wearable tech curb. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Run and gun edition

By Ryan Noik 25 October 2013

In this week’s Gaming News Round-up: Call of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, Titanfall and Killzone Shadow Fall blast forth with trailers, while Assassin’s Creed Liberation wends its way to the PlayStation Network. FULL STORY >


LG G2 - First impressions

By Hanleigh Daniels 25 October 2013

LG launches its new flagship smartphone - the G2 - in Johannesburg, with the smartphone becoming locally available on 1 November. FULL STORY >


Apple unveils new MacBook Pro, launches Mac OS X Mavericks

By Hanleigh Daniels 23 October 2013

Apple announces its new MacBook Pro that boasts Intel’s latest Core i processors plus makes the newest edition of Mac OS X dubbed Mavericks available for download. FULL STORY >


Nokia showcases new Lumia phablets plus a tablet

By Hanleigh Daniels 22 October 2013

Nokia finally pulls the wraps off its first tablet and newest Windows Phone powered smartphones. FULL STORY >


PS4 -The Inside Scoop

By Ryan Noik 21 October 2013

With the PS4’s launch coming inexorably closer, the time was right to get the inside scoop from the CEO of Ster Kinekor Entertainment, Mario Dos Santos, on all things PlayStation. FULL STORY >


Gartner - Global device shipment to grow by 4.5 percent during 2013

By Hanleigh Daniels 21 October 2013

Gartner asserts that global PC, tablet and mobile phone shipments will increase by 4.5% in 2013 with lower-priced devices driving growth. FULL STORY >


Top 5 compact crossovers

By Hanleigh Daniels 17 October 2013

Crossover are rising in popularity due to their jack-of-all-trades appeal and above average ground clearance. Here are our top 5. FULL STORY >


Sony Xperia Z1

By Hanleigh Daniels 17 October 2013

Following the release of the Xperia Z last year, Sony has continued to impress us with its Android smartphone lineup. Can it keep a good thing going with the Xperia Z1? FULL STORY >


HTC unveils One max phablet

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2013

HTC unveils its latest smartphone in the One max that sports a phablet-esque 5.9" full HD display. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - The Pass on the Right Edition

By Ryan Noik 11 October 2013

In this week’s Gaming News Round-up: Thief sneaks onto centre stage, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag gets a season pass and an old gem makes a comeback. FULL STORY >

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