Canon introduces new 35mm lens

By Ryan Noik 4 September 2015

Canon has now announced its EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM lens, which brings some interesting new optical technology. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The New Gear – Clinton Lubbe

By Staff Writer 31 August 2015

We asked commercial photographer, and now also cinematographer, Clinton Lubbe, about any new gear that has left a good impression. FULL STORY >


Interview: Dana Eitzen, Corporate Marketing and Communications Executive, Canon SA

By Staff Writer 28 August 2015

Apart from a few interesting camera announcements, there are two big events laying ahead for Canon. The first is a major Expo taking place in Paris, followed by the sponsorship of the Rugby World Cup in England.... FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Pro Tips to Up your Photography, Part 2

By Staff Writer 28 August 2015

Getting ready for a weekend worth of good shooting? As part of our Canon Series, a number of pro photographers provide some valuable tips to up your photography game. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The favourite lens in my bag - Chris Fallows

By Staff Writer 28 August 2015

With only a split second to get the perfect shot, wildlife photographer Chris Fallows is very dependent on the right gear for his shark capturing. We asked him about his favourite lens to shoot with. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My Best Shot - Chris Fallows

By Staff Writer 25 August 2015

As one of the world’s premier shark photographers, Cape Townian, Chris Fallows knows a thing or two about patience. As part of our Canon Series, we chatted to him about his favourite shot. FULL STORY >


Google testing new Foodie-focused Maps feature

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 24 August 2015

Aiming to capitalise on the Foodie and Instagram trends, Google is reportedly testing out a food photo tagging feature for its Maps application. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Clinton Lubbe's Pro Tip

By Staff Writer 21 August 2015

In-demand commercial photographer Clinton Lubbe has been in a variety of shooting situations, also directing the recent Somer Son movie. For our Canon Series he shares a good piece of advice for fellow photographers. FULL STORY >


Interview: Lee-Anne Letcher, Inkjet Printer and Scanner Product Manager, Canon South Africa

By Staff Writer 20 August 2015

With the introduction of the Maxify range of business focused printers in South Africa, TechSmart sat down to chat with Lee-Anne Letcher, Inkjet Printer and Scanner Product Manager at Canon South Africa,... FULL STORY >


Want to win tickets to the Rugby World Cup with Canon?

By Staff Writer 14 August 2015

Those set to buy any new Canon product before 31 August 2015 could be in line to jet off to London for the Rugby World Cup 2015 in October. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: My favourite shot – Clinton Lubbe

By Staff Writer 14 August 2015

As an in-demand commercial photographer and producer of the recent Somer Son movie, it’s fair to say that Clinton Lubbe has logged a few shutter actuations in his day. So what is his favourite shot in his portfolio? FULL STORY >


Canon Series - Andrew Aveley's Top Tip

By Staff Writer 12 August 2015

As one of the top wildlife photographers in the country, we talked to Andrew Aveley to find out if he has a piece of photography advice to offer that is perhaps not commonly talked about. His recommendation can drastically reduce post-processing workflow... FULL STORY >


Canon Series - Lee Slabber

By Staff Writer 11 August 2015

In our ongoing Canon Series, we asked wildlife and landscape photographer, Lee Slabber, for an important piece of advice he has to offer that is perhaps not commonly talked about. We recommend all coastal photographers lend their ears for this one. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: Essential Equipment - Dave Hann

By Staff Writer 7 August 2015

When it comes to passion for photography, commercial photographer, Dave Hann has it in droves. We tracked him down to talk about the gear that never leaves his side. FULL STORY >


Canon Series: The New Gear - Lee Slabber

By Staff Writer 5 August 2015

In our ongoing series talking to pro photographers, we’ve asked landscape and wildlife photographer, Lee Slabber if he has come across any impressive new equipment. FULL STORY >

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