New Spider-Man game trailer swings onto the web

By Staff Writer 14 August 2018

Insomniac Games and Sony have released a new trailer for the forthcoming PS4 exclusive. FULL STORY >


Death Stranding gets another weird trailer

By Staff Writer 8 December 2017

So we know that Hideo Kojima, the man responsible for the Metal Gear series, has one of the weirdest games lined up for release in 2018. Now, Death Stranding has been blessed/cursed with a new trailer. FULL STORY >


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided delayed

By Ryan Noik 20 November 2015

Eidos Montreal, the game’s developers, have confirmed that the next chapter in the Deus Ex franchise has been delayed six months. FULL STORY >


Meet Adam Jensen 2.0 in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

By Ryan Noik 23 October 2015

The newest trailer for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is certainly crammed full of details, and shows even more deadly Adam Jensen. FULL STORY >


XCOM 2 invites you on a tour of The Avenger

By Ryan Noik 21 August 2015

If XCOM 2 isn’t on your radar yet, then this newest twelve minutes trailer may convince you to do some further investigation. FULL STORY >


More Battleborn details announced

By Ryan Noik 5 June 2015

New details have been announced for Battleborn, along with a new trailer. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - E3 Trailer Edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 June 2012

In part two of this week's Gaming News Round-up we look at more hot gaming releases that were showcased during the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo. FULL STORY >

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