Fortnite players dodge a cybersecurity bullet
By Ryan Noik 17 January 2019It was recently confirmed that Fortnite had a particularly onerous flaw – a security vulnerability that cybercriminals could have exploited to do extensive harm. FULL STORY >

Rapper sues Fortnite developer for stealing his moves
By Staff Writer 6 December 2018Don’t steal my moves. That’s what rapper 2 Milly is telling the folks over at Epic Games. FULL STORY >

Black Friday Deals from PlayStation start today
By Staff Writer 16 November 2018If you’ve put your game purchasing off till Black Friday, well do we have some good news for you. FULL STORY >

Opinion - How to stay safe while playing online
By Opinion 15 November 2018The teams at Bravado Gaming offer some advice on how anyone can start playing online safely. FULL STORY >

Megarom teams up with Epic Games to bring Fortnite apparel range
By Staff Writer 23 October 2018Megarom Interactive has partnered with none other than Epic Games to launch a range of Fortnite apparel locally. FULL STORY >

LEGO DC Super-Villains gives you the chance to be the baddy
By Staff Writer 12 October 2018Always fun and entertaining, the latest Lego title to hit gaming systems will be DC Super-Villains which received a new and we suppose final trailer. FULL STORY >

Call of Duty gets its own free comics
By Staff Writer 2 October 2018To go with the hype of BO4, how about a comic to introduce the characters – for free. FULL STORY >

If game development is your thing, get started for cheap
By Staff Writer 21 September 2018If you ever thought of heading into game development, but found the literature a bit costly, well Humble Bundle is coming to the rescue. FULL STORY >

Just Cause 4 Gamescom presentation released
By Ryan Noik 20 September 2018Good news for Just Cause 4 fans, with the live gameplay presentation from Gamescom finding its way to the web. FULL STORY >

New Resident Evil 2 remastered trailer released
By Ryan Noik 20 September 2018The new Resident Evil 2 remastered trailer hits all the right horror notes. FULL STORY >

New Devil May Cry 5 trailer roars onto the web
By Ryan Noik 20 September 2018A new trailer for Devil May Cry 5 has dropped, offering plenty of odes to the original series. FULL STORY >

Lego Harry Potter collection conjures a remaster
By Ryan Noik 7 September 2018The LEGO Harry Potter: Collection, has been announced, bringing together LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 into one complete package. FULL STORY >

Kingdoms of Amalur may be raised from the dead
By Ryan Noik 7 September 2018THQ Nordic has bought the rights to 2012’s Kingdoms of Amalur, the enchanting action RPG that came to an inexplicable end when 38 Studios went bankrupt soon after the game’s release. FULL STORY >

Bioware’s Anthem to offer free post game content
By Ryan Noik 3 September 2018Bioware’s forthcoming Anthem though, appears to being doing something a little different, with the announcement that its post-game content will be free. FULL STORY >

CD Projekt Red’s Gwent to go solo
By Staff Writer 31 August 2018Gwent’s forthcoming single player campaign is breaking away from multi-player to stand on its own. FULL STORY >
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