MS Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000

By Thomas McKinnon 30 September 2009

The Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 6000 is Microsofts thinnest keyboard ever, as its just slightly thicker than the width of a AAA battery. FULL STORY >


Microsoft launch free antivirus app

By Thomas McKinnon 29 September 2009

Microsoft has announced that its free antivirus application, Security Essentials, will be made available for public download today. FULL STORY >


How to Prepare a Photo for Facebook

By z 11 September 2009

This month we are going back to basics as we show you how to get your photos just right before putting them on Facebook. FULL STORY >


mibli could bring apps to the masses

By Thomas McKinnon 10 September 2009

mibli is a mobile app with a difference. It can be used on just about any GPRS phone which means it can be used on 80 of phones in SA. FULL STORY >


Choosing a Linux OS

By Raymond Robinson 3 September 2009

I know of many people who have replaced Microsoft with Linux, but to date Ive never heard of a person replacing Linux with Microsoft. FULL STORY >


Microsoft OneApp debuts in SA

By Thomas McKinnon 25 August 2009

Designed for emerging markets, Microsoft\\\'s OneApp appears on a cellphone as a single application that allows users to easily access all of their mobile apps while more efficiently using network data. FULL STORY >


Vignetting in Photoshop

By z 5 August 2009

This month our Photoshop Teacher shows you how to do Vignetting and Softening. Vignetting is used to make a photograph appear softer and to be a little bit less harsh on the eyes. It is often used in wedding photography or to accentuate certain elements on a photo. Once... FULL STORY >


Web based MS Office announced

By Thomas McKinnon 14 July 2009

Microsoft recently announced a web-based version of its Office 2010 offering. FULL STORY >


Ghostbusters The Video Game

By Brigitte 14 July 2009

Ghostbusters The Video Game is a spin off from the movies featuring a whole new story. Although it lacks the epic feel a title like this should offer, the game is worth a play through with great voice acting and creepy but comic characters. FULL STORY >


Selective Desaturation in Photoshop

By z 10 July 2009

In this new segment the Photoshop Teacher will help you improve your Photoshop skills. First lesson: Selective Desaturation. FULL STORY >


Google OS in 2010

By Mike Joubert 9 July 2009

Google announced that they will be releasing the Google Chrome Operating System. FULL STORY >


IE security threat

By Thomas McKinnon 7 July 2009

Microsoft issued a security advisory late yesterday alerting users to a flaw in IE software that could allow hackers to hijack their PCs. FULL STORY >


How Not to Die Online

By Andrew Gould 1 July 2009

The Internet has truly revolutionised the way we live our lives. Unless you live in a small cave on a rocky ?¡outcrop somewhere in rural Kwa-Zulu Natal, it will very definitely have affected your life. But there is a sinister side to this otherwise benign and benevolent... FULL STORY >


BlueTrack Mouse Technology

By Mike Joubert 22 June 2009

What makes BlueTrack mouse technology better than any other tracking technology? David Bohn, Principal Mechanical Architect at Microsoft explains. FULL STORY >


Windows 7 to be browserless

By Thomas McKinnon 12 June 2009

Windows 7 to be browserless as Microsoft give in to EU antitrust pressures. FULL STORY >

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