Until Dawn hands-on preview
By Ryan Noik 13 July 2015Supermassive Game’s forthcoming PS4 exclusive, Until Dawn is looking, in a word, fantastic. FULL STORY >

Konami showcases new gameplay trailer for MGS V: The Phantom Pain
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 July 2015With its 1 September release date fast approaching, Snake's skills are on show in a new gameplay trailer titled Freedom of Infiltration for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. FULL STORY >

More gaming gems announced from Sony
By Ryan Noik 17 June 2015Along with the heavy-hitter announcements there were a few other gems to emerge from Sony’s press conference at E3 namely Horizon Zero Dawn and Dreams. FULL STORY >

Limited Edition Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain PS4 bundle emerges
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 10 June 2015Arriving September 1st in SA, Sony details an exclusive PS4 bundle for the upcoming release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. FULL STORY >

New Batman: Arkham Knight trailers arrive, New Game+ explained
By Ryan Noik 3 June 2015New videos featuring Harley Quinn and Red Hood have emerged, along with some new details on a New Game+ feature in Batman: Arkham Knight. FULL STORY >

Latest free Playstation Plus games for June announced
By Ryan Noik 29 May 2015PS players rejoice - the impending free PlayStation Plus games for June have been announced. FULL STORY >

Yet more new Batman: Arkham Knight details slip from the shadows
By Ryan Noik 29 May 2015With Batman: Arkham Knight’s release coming ever so deliciously closer now, yet another video has been released. FULL STORY >

Until Dawn dated as new trailer emerges
By Ryan Noik 27 May 2015Until Dawn has received not just a release date, but a new trailer and some new details. FULL STORY >

New expansion and patch coming to Bloodborne
By Ryan Noik 22 May 2015More DLC and a new patch is in the pipeline for Bloodborne. FULL STORY >

Sony releases new best of PS4 video
By Ryan Noik 22 May 2015Sony has released a new best of games trailer for the PS4. FULL STORY >

Rocksteady unveils more of dual play feature
By Ryan Noik 18 May 2015While dual play in the forthcoming Batman: Arkham Knight has been teased before, Rocksteady’s latest Arkham Insider video goes into greater detail. FULL STORY >

Far Cry 4 Complete Edition skips Xbox One
By Ryan Noik 8 May 2015It’s somewhat dim and inexplicable news for Xbox One gamers, as Ubisoft has confirmed that Far Cry 4 Complete Edition won’t be coming to the Xbox One. FULL STORY >

More Batman: Arkham Knight DLC and season pass contents detailed
By Ryan Noik 4 May 2015In the wake of last week’s news about Batman: Arkham Knight’s season pass, Warner Bros has revealed more of what players can expect the pricey season pass to bring. FULL STORY >

Batman: Arkham Knight season pass details unveiled
By Ryan Noik 30 April 2015Details about Batman: Arkham Knight's season pass details have been revealed, with plenty of content apparently in the pipeline. FULL STORY >

New Batman: Arkham Knight trailer debuts new feature
By Ryan Noik 29 April 2015A new Batman: Arkham Knight trailer has been released, and shows off a new feature players can look forward to. FULL STORY >
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