Video games may reduce stress

By Tom Manners 14 July 2010

A recent study indicates that video games may reduce stress and aggressive behaviour. FULL STORY >


FIFA 11 release date unveiled

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 July 2010

EA has unveiled the release dates for the latest title in the popular FIFA range. FULL STORY >


A first for Xbox Live

By Hanleigh Daniels 7 July 2010

Microsoft has for the first time seen sales surpassing the $1 billion mark for its online gaming service in a single financial year. FULL STORY >


FFXIV coming in September

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 July 2010

Square Enix isn't letting the grass grow under its feet when it comes to game releases as it will be releasing the next Final Fantasy game by September of this year. FULL STORY >


Boy stabs dad over game argument

By Hanleigh Daniels 26 January 2010

An Italian man is recovering in hospital after his son stabbed him in the neck following an argument about his FIFA شاض09 skills. FULL STORY >


Violence breeding violence

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 January 2010

Adult film star Ron Jeremy and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez express their opinions on the dangers of violent video games. FULL STORY >


Think before you blame games

By Thomas McKinnon 21 July 2009

Violent video games may just be the latest in a string of moral panics throughout history. They may not make teenagers more violent suggests a study by Brainlink.org. FULL STORY >

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